void run(char *bin, char *data)


     execl(bin, bin, data, 0);



int pid, status;

     pid = wait(&status);



for(i = 0; i < 5; i++)

     printf("test %d\n", i);
     run(PATH, data);

output (with 'data' being different each time):

bash$ ./test
test 0
test 1
test 2
test 3
test 4
value 1 added
value 14 added
value 65 added
The purpose of my program is to run a program 5 different times with different arguments using execl() and fork() and be able to see the full output. As you can see in the above output, values for i=3 and i=4 cause the program I am running do a segmentation fault, which is what is supposed to happen, but it shows no output. I would like to see that output just like the previous outputs.

I think it is a problem with the code not fork()ing correctly, but I am unsure. Been hitting my head against a wall for days trying to figure this one out. A solution would be simply terrific.

Thanks so much,
