I am writing a c program that interacts with a mysql database on the same computer. That is all working fine.

I also have a website (mostly PHP) which reads a mysql database on the same server. That is all working fine.

Now for the next step...

The two mysql databases (remote & local) are meant to be synchronized. In essence, when my application makes a change to my local database I want it to send the same changes to the hosted website (the website will not make it's own changes to the database, only those I request from my application). I cannot communicate directly with the hosted database (hosts server restrictions that cannot be changed), so I must find a way to update the remote database via PHP.

I was thinking of using Wininet to notify the website that an update (binary file created by application ???) is ready and then have PHP upload the file, parse it and do the appropriate actions to the remote database. Is this the way to go ? or is there a better idea out there ?

Thank you.