How the best form to Fill a Array Char, with 40 spaces ?

Im using this (bold in code) to concat, but I m afraid this not a good idea, because the system have no sufficient memory and processor to execute this rotine all times.

somebody, can say a better c ode ?

void EscreveDisplay (unsigned char *pMensagem, unsigned int pDelaySec){
	unsigned char cDispPacote [52];
	int iComDisplay = 2;
	unsigned int iLims;
	unsigned int iLenMsg, iLenCont, iContIndex;
	int iBcc;
	iDisplaySend = 1;
	if (pDelaySec > 0)
		Delay(pDelaySec * 1000);
	iLims  = 46;
	cDispPacote [0] = 129;
	cDispPacote [1] = 126;
	cDispPacote [2] = iLims % 256;
	cDispPacote [3] = iLims / 256;
	cDispPacote [4] = 1 % 256;
	cDispPacote [5] = 1 / 256;
	cDispPacote [6] = 0 % 256;
	cDispPacote [7] = 0 / 256;
	cDispPacote [8] = 76;
	cDispPacote [9] = 202;
	iLenMsg = strlen (pMensagem);

	if (iLenMsg > 40)
		iLenMsg = 40;

	if (iLenMsg < 40){
		for(iLenCont=iLenMsg; iLenCont<40; iLenCont++)
			strcat (pMensagem, ".");
	for(iLenCont=0; iLenCont<40; iLenCont++){
		iContIndex = iLenCont + 10;
		cDispPacote [iContIndex] = pMensagem [iLenCont];
	iBcc = cDispPacote [4];
	cDispPacote [50] = iBcc;
	cDispPacote [51] = '\0';
	for(iContIndex=0; iContIndex<=51; iContIndex++){
		ToCom (iComDisplay, cDispPacote[iContIndex]);