This is a Simple Personal Information Manager (PIM) program that i made.
But there is some error in it that i just can't fixed !
Can somebody just check and see where is wrong ?

At First, it works normally, it can add task, delete task, edit task and view task.
but after :
- add 2 or 3 task
- delete one of them
- add another one
- edit one of the task
- and presto ! it can no longer delete any task.

this is my code, it kinda long.... but please just see what is wrong.
I think personally the error is in the Editing part (TaskEdit) or the deleting part (Taskdelete). The problem is, the "temp.dat" file i use as a temporary data holder, Won't close. But anyways... this is my code :

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <ctype.h>

/* Function Prototype for Task Manager */
void TaskAdd();
void TaskMainTask ();
void Taskprint();
void TaskView();
void TaskDelete ();
void TaskDeleteTitle ();
void TaskEmpty (FILE *delPtr, char check[], char data[]);
void TaskPrintFile();
void TaskEdit ();
void TaskEditTitle ();
void TaskChange (FILE *editPtr, char check[],char data[]);
void TaskPreview ();
void TaskLook ();

/*initiate structure for Task Manager*/
struct taskManager { // strat of struct
	char title[30];
	char details[130];
	char startDate[80];
	char endDate[80];
}TaskManager; // end of struct and assign struct as TaskManager

int main()
/*Start of Main Task*/
void TaskMainTask()
{//Start of maintask

	int choice; //set interger choice
	int counter; // set interger counter
	counter = 1; // set counter to 1
	while ( counter != 0) { // start while
		/*Main Menu*/
		printf ("Task Manager\n\n");
		printf ("What Do You Want To Do ?\n");
		printf ("[1]. Add Task/Project\n");
		printf ("[2]. Edit Task/Project\n");
		printf ("[3]. View Task/Project\n");
		printf ("[4]. Print the Task/Project To a File\n");
		printf ("[5]. Delete the Task/Project\n");
		printf ("[6]. Back to Main Menu\n");
		printf ("[7]. Exit The Program\n");
		scanf ("%d", &choice);
		/*if entry not valid*/
		if (choice < 1 || choice > 8) { // start if
			printf ("Entry Not Valid !!\n");
			printf ("Please Enter 1-7");
		}//end If
		/*if Entry was valid*/
		else { // start else
			switch (choice) { // start switch
				case 1: 
					TaskAdd(); // go to add
				case 2 :
					TaskEdit (); // go to edit
				case 3 :
					TaskLook(); // go to look
				case 4 :
					TaskPrintFile(); // go to print_file
				case 5 :
					TaskDelete (); // go to delete
				case 6 :
				case 7 :
					exit (1); // exit program
			} // end switch
		}// End Else
	} // End While

} // End MainTask

/*adding Task*/	
void TaskAdd ()
{ // start of add

	FILE *cfPtr;//information.dat file pointer
	int choice2;//variable for storing the user choice	
	char buffer[10];
	//fopen opens the file; exits if file cannot be opened
	if ((cfPtr = fopen ("Task.dat","ab")) == NULL ){ // start of if
		printf ("Filed Could not be Opened\n");
	}// end if
	/*adding information */
	else { // start of else
		system ("cls"); 
		printf ("=======Add New Task/Project========\n");
		printf ("\nEnter The Title :\n");
		gets (buffer);
		gets (TaskManager.title);
		printf ("\nNotes and Details of The Task/Project (130 Character) : \n");
		gets (TaskManager.details);
		printf ("\nStart Date ( mm/dd/yy ) : ");
		gets (TaskManager.startDate);
		printf ("Due Date (mm/dd/yy) : ");
		gets (TaskManager.endDate);
		/*write the record in the file*/
		fwrite (&TaskManager, sizeof(TaskManager), 1 , cfPtr);
		fclose (cfPtr); // closes the file
		printf ("\nProject Saved\n");
		printf ("Press [Enter] To Continue\n");
		system ("cls");
		TaskPreview (); // showing the outcome
		printf ("Do You want to Add a New Task ?\n[1].Yes\n[2].No\n");
		scanf ("%d", &choice2);
		if ( choice2 == 1 ) { // start of if
			TaskAdd ();
		} // end of if
		else if (choice2 == 2) { // start of else if
			TaskMainTask ();
		}// end of else if		
	}// end of else

} // end of else

/*Function Preview; Printing the result for the user*/
void TaskPreview ()
{ // start of preview
     printf ("%43s\n\n","=====Task Preview=====");
     printf ("%30s%15s%15s\n","Title","Start Date","Due Date");
     printf ("%30s%15s%15s\n",TaskManager.title, TaskManager.startDate, TaskManager.endDate);
     printf ("\n%10s\n%10s\n\n", "Notes / Details :", TaskManager.details);
     printf ("\n");
} // end of preview    

/*Function print; printing the result in diffrent format*/
void Taskprint()
{ // start of print
     printf("%30s%15s%15s\n", TaskManager.title, TaskManager.startDate, TaskManager.endDate);
} // end of print

/*Start of function view*/
void TaskView ()
{ //start of view

	FILE *viewPtr; // Task.dat file pointer
	/*Opening the file*/
	if ((viewPtr = fopen ("Task.dat", "r")) == NULL) { // start of if
		printf ("File Could not be Openend.\n");
	} // end of if
	else {// start of else
		rewind(viewPtr); // sets pointer to begining of file
		system ("cls");
		printf("%30s%15s%15s\n", "Title", "Start Date", "End Date");
		/*Resd trough file stream */
		while ( !feof(viewPtr)) { // start of while
			/*set all the structure memory to NULL */
			TaskManager.title[0] = '\0';
			TaskManager.details[0]= '\0';
			TaskManager.startDate[0]= '\0';
			TaskManager.endDate[0]= '\0';
			/*Read from file*/
			fread (&TaskManager, sizeof(TaskManager), 1, viewPtr);
			if (TaskManager.title[0] != '\0') { // start of if
				Taskprint ();
            } // end of if
			else { // start of else
			} // end of else	
		} // end of while
	}// end of else
} // end of view

/*function delete; header to delete*/
void TaskDelete ()
{ // start of delete

	int choice;
	/*Ask The user*/
	printf ("what do you want to do ?\n");
	printf ("[1]. Delete Task\n");
	printf ("[2]. Return To Main Menu\n");
	printf ("Please Choose an Option :\n");
	scanf ("%d", &choice );
	/*if the input is invalid*/
	if (choice < 1 || choice > 2 ) { // start of if
		printf( "Invalid Input !\n" );
	} // end of if
	/*if the input is valid*/
	else { // start of else
		switch (choice) { // start of switch
			case 1 : // return to deleteTitle
			case 2 : // back to Main Task
		} // end of switch
	} // end of else

}// end of delete

/*start of deleteTitle function; part of delete*/
void TaskDeleteTitle ()
{ // start of deleteTitle
	FILE *cfPtr; // assign file pointer
	/*initiate variables*/
	int result;
	char checkTitle[20];
	int choice1;
	int choice2;
	/*opening Task.dat file*/
	if ((cfPtr = fopen ("Task.dat", "rb+")) == NULL ) { // start of if
		printf ("File Couldn't be found");
	} // end of if
	else { // start of else
        TaskView (); // View the current file
		printf ("Enter the Title you want to delete :\n");
		gets (checkTitle);
		/*Read Through the file*/
		while (fread(&TaskManager, sizeof(TaskManager), 1, cfPtr) 
		&& strcmp (checkTitle, TaskManager.title));
		/*compareing the strings*/
		result = strcmp (checkTitle, TaskManager.title);
		if (result != 0) { // start of if
			printf("Record Not Found !\n\n");
		} // end of if
		else { // start of else
			printf("Record is found !\n\n");
			TaskPreview ();
			/*aking the user*/
			printf ("Do You want to delete this Note ?\n");
			printf ("[1]. Yes\n[2]. No\n");
			printf ("Choose an Option : ");
			scanf ("%d", &choice1);
			/*if the input is invalid*/
			if (choice1 < 1 || choice1 > 2 ) { // start of if
				printf ("Input Invalid !");
				getchar ();
				TaskMainTask ();
			} // end of if
			/*if the input is Valid*/
			else { // start of else
				switch (choice1) { // start of switch
					case 1 : // argument #1
						TaskEmpty(cfPtr, checkTitle, TaskManager.title);
						printf ("Note Deleted !\n");
					    break; // break case 1
				case 2 : // argument # 2
					break; // break case #2
				} // end of switch
			} //end of else
		} // end of outer else
			fclose (cfPtr);
	} // end the most outer else
} // end of delete Title

/*Start of Function empty*/
void TaskEmpty (FILE *delPtr, char check[], char data[])
{ // start of empty

	FILE *temp; // file pointer
	temp = fopen ("temp.dat", "w"); // set temp to open file temp.dat
	rewind(delPtr); // set pointer to begining of file
	while (fread(&TaskManager, sizeof(TaskManager), 1, delPtr)) { // start of while
		if (strcmp (check, data)) { // start of if
			fwrite ( &TaskManager, sizeof (TaskManager), 1, temp); //write to file
		} // end of if
	} // end of while
	fclose (delPtr); // closing file pointer
	fclose (temp); // closing temporary pointer
	remove ("Task.dat"); // delete task.dat
	rename ("temp.dat", "Task.dat"); // rename temp.dat to task.dat
	/*set structure to NULL*/
	TaskManager.title[0] = '\0';
	TaskManager.details[0] = '\0';
	TaskManager.startDate[0] = '\0';
	TaskManager.endDate[0] = '\0';
} // end of empty

/*Start of function print_file*/
void TaskPrintFile()
{ // start of print_file
	 FILE *viewPtr; // Set File Pointer
     FILE *printPtr; // set File Pointer

	 /*if the record cannot be found*/
     if((viewPtr=fopen("Task.dat","r"))== NULL){ // start of if
        printf("File could not be opened.\n");
     }//end if
     /*if the record cannot be found*/     
     if((printPtr=fopen("Task2.txt","w"))== NULL){ // start of if
        printf("File could not be opened.\n");
     }//end if
     else{ // start of else
     rewind(viewPtr); // set pointer to the start of file
	 /*set the array to NULL*/
     while(!feof(viewPtr)){ // start of while
        TaskManager.title[0] = '\0';
		TaskManager.details[0] = '\0';
		TaskManager.endDate[0] = '\0';
		/*read from file*/
        fread(&TaskManager, sizeof(TaskManager),1,viewPtr);
        if(TaskManager.title[0]!='\0'){ // start of if
            fprintf (printPtr,"%43s\n\n","=====Task Print=====");
            fprintf (printPtr,"%30s%15s%15s\n","Title","Start Date","Due Date");
            fprintf (printPtr,"%30s%15s%15s\n",TaskManager.title, TaskManager.startDate, TaskManager.endDate);
            fprintf (printPtr,"\n%10s\n%10s\n\n", "Notes / Details :", TaskManager.details);
            fprintf (printPtr,"\n");
        } // end of if
        else { // start of else
			} // end of else
		}//end while
        printf("The informations have been printed on a file\n\n");
	}//end else
} // end of print_file

/*start of edit*/
void TaskEdit()
{ // start of edit
     int choice;
	 /*Asking for user input*/
     printf("\n\n\nWhat Do You Want To do ?\n");
     printf("[1]. Edit by title\n");
     printf("[2]. Return to menu\n");
     printf("\nPlease choose an option : ");
     scanf("%d", &choice);
	 /*if the input was invalid*/
     if(choice<1 || choice>2){ // start of if
                   printf("Please only enter 1-2!\n");
                   }//end inner if
     switch (choice){ // start of switch
            case 1 : // case #1
            case 2 : // case #2
                 system ("cls");
     }//end switch
}//end edit function

/*start of e_title*/
void TaskEditTitle()
{ // start of e_title
     FILE *cfPtr; // assign a FILE pointer
	 int result;
     char check_task[20];
     int choice1;
	/*if file can't be opened*/
	if((cfPtr = fopen("Task.dat","rb+"))==NULL){
		printf("File could not be opened.\n");
	}//end if
	else{ // start of else
		system ("cls");
		TaskView ();
		printf("Enter the title you wish to change : ");
		/*Read from file*/
		while(fread(&TaskManager,sizeof(TaskManager), 1, cfPtr) 
		&& strcmp(check_task, TaskManager.title));
		/*comparing the strings*/
		result = strcmp(check_task, TaskManager.title);
		{// start of if
			printf("Record not found!\n\n");         
		} // end of if
		else{ // start of else
			printf("Record found!\n\n");
			/*ask the user for input*/
			printf("Do you want to edit this record?\n");
			printf("[1]. Yes / [2]. No\n");
			printf("Choose an option : ");
			scanf("%d", &choice1);
			/*if the input is invalid*/
			if(choice1<1 || choice1>2){
				printf("Please only enter 1-2!\n");
			}//end inner if
			/*If the input is valid*/
			else { // start of else
				switch (choice1){ // start of switch
				case 1 : // case #1
					TaskChange(cfPtr, check_task,TaskManager.title);
					printf("\nRecord edited!\n");
					printf("Press [ENTER] to Continue\n");
					break; // break from outer case#1
				case 2 : // case #2
				}//end switch 
			}//end inner else                
		}//end else
		fclose(cfPtr);  // closing the pointer   
	}//end else     
}// end of e_title

/*start of change*/
void TaskChange(FILE *editPtr, char check[],char data[])
{ // start of change

     char buffer[10];
     rewind(editPtr); // set the pointer to the start of file
	 /*reading the file*/
     while(fread(&TaskManager, sizeof(TaskManager), 1, editPtr) && strcmp(check,data));
	 /* Changing the content */
     if(!strcmp(check,data)){ // start of if
		printf("\nEnter Title : ");
		printf("\nDetails/Notes : \n ");
		printf("\nStart Date ( mm/dd/yy ): ");
		printf("End Date ( mm/dd/yy ): ");
		fseek(editPtr, ftell(editPtr) - sizeof(TaskManager),0);     
		fwrite(&TaskManager, sizeof(TaskManager), 1, editPtr);
     }//end if
     fclose(editPtr); // close the pointer

} // end of change

/*start of look*/
void TaskLook ()
	 FILE *lookPtr; // set a File pointer
	 /*Assigning variable*/
	 int result;
	 char checkTitle[20];
	 int choice1;
     /* opening the file*/
    if((lookPtr = fopen("Task.dat","rb+"))==NULL){ // start of if
		printf("File could not be opened.\n");
	}//end if
	else{ // start of else
		system ("cls");
		TaskView ();
		printf("Enter the title you wish to view :\n");
		gets (checkTitle);
		/*read through the file*/
		while (fread(&TaskManager, sizeof(TaskManager), 1, lookPtr) 
			&& strcmp (checkTitle, TaskManager.title));
		/* comparing the strings */
		result = strcmp (checkTitle, TaskManager.title);
		if (result != 0) { // start of if; if the string not found
			printf("Record Not Found !\n\n");
		} // end of if
		else {// start of else; if the strings are matched
			printf("Record is found !\n");
			TaskPreview ();
			/*asking user input*/
			printf ("Do You want to view another task ?\n");
			printf ("[1]. Yes\n[2]. No\n");
			printf ("Choose an Option : ");
			scanf ("%d", &choice1);
			/*if the input invalid*/
			if (choice1 < 1 || choice1 > 2 ) {// start of if
				printf ("Input Invalid !");
				getchar ();
				TaskMainTask ();
			} // end of if
			else { // start of else
                 switch ( choice1 ) { // start of switch
					case 1:// case #1
                      system ("cls");
                      TaskLook ();
					case 2: // case #2
                      TaskMainTask ();
				 } // end of switch
			} // end of else
		} // end of outer else
	} // end of outest else
}// // end of look

//---------------------- end task ---------------------------------------