
i have a problem calling the struct class data from inside an array...
error: C2664: 'DrukStudent' : cannot convert parameter 1 from 'int' to 'student'.

struct student
	char naam[25];
	struct datum gebdatum;
	int resultaat;

void DrukStudent(struct student s)
{	/* naam en gebdatum (dd/mm/jjjj) afdrukken */
	printf(" %d%%",s.resultaat);

double gemiddelde(struct student studentrij[ ], int aantal)
	int i;
	double result=0.0;
	printf("\ntest array\n");
	DrukStudent(studentrij[1].resultaat); /* here is the problem */
	return result;

void main()
	struct student studentrij[20] = {{"Anton",{25,4,1988}, 75},{"Bert",{24,5,1987}, 85},{"Chris",{23,6,1986}, 95},{"Dave",{22,7,1985}, 100}};
My purpose is to calculate with the int resultaat within all these arrays.
And i cant seem to target them.

I do not wish to use any pointers (!!)

I know that my double gemiddelde(struct student studentrij[ ], int aantal) isnt looking like it is supposed to be, but right now i just want to target the class of resultaat and then i can move on.

Thanks and happy new year