This has been a long evening, I am trying to get this code to work all night, and all yesterday, too.

Anyway this is what I have:
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#define STSIZE 30

void reverse(char *s, int first, int last); 
void swap(char *p, char *q);
int maybepalind(char opalinds[], char palinds[]);

int main (void)
	/*character array declarations*/
	char palind[STSIZE];
	char palinds[STSIZE];
	char opalinds[STSIZE];

	/*variable declarations*/
	int i = 0;
	int j = 0;
	int k = 0;
	int palans = 0;

	/*banner and prompt for user*/
	printf("Enter a string of characters.");
	printf("\nThe computer will determine if the string is a palindrome");
	printf("\n(spelled the same frontwards and backwards).");
	printf("\nEnter your string of characters for evaluation: > ");
	printf("%s\n", palind);
	int n = strlen(palind);

	/*makes all upper case letters lower case*/
	for( i = 0; i < n; ++i)
			palind[i] = tolower(palind[i]);

	/*removes all spaces and punctuation*/
	while(palind[k] != '\0' && k < n)
		if(palind[k] != ' ' && !ispunct(palind[k]))
			palinds[j] = palind[k];
	palinds[j] = '\0';			/*terminates new character array*/
	printf("%s\n", palinds);

	/*copies array to new array for comparison in function below*/
	char strcpy(char opalinds, char palinds);

	/*function call to reverse letters in character array for comparison*/
	reverse(palinds, 0, n);

	/*function call to actually do the palindrome comparison on original and reverse string*/
	/*sets palins equal to the value returned by function*/
	palans = maybepalind(opalinds, palinds);

	/*if function maybepalind returns '1' the string is a palindrome and that is printed*/
	/*if the funtions returns a '0' the string is NOT a palindrome and that is printed.*/
	if (palans = 1)
		printf("\nThe character string : %s is a PALINDROME!\n", palind);
		printf("\nThe character string : %s is NOT a PALINDROME!\n", palind);


/*function to reverse the characters in the string*/
void reverse(char *s, int first, int last)
	if (first < last)
		swap(&s[first], &s[last]);
		reverse(s, ++first, --last);

/*the swap function called by the reverse function*/
void swap(char *p, char *q)
	char tmp;

	tmp = *p;
	*p = *q;
	*q = tmp;

/*the palindrome check function*/
int maybepalind(char opalinds[], char palinds[])
	int first = 0;
	int ans = 0;

	if(opalinds[first] = '\0')
		ans = 1;
	else if (opalinds[first] != palinds[first])
		printf("%c  %c\n", opalinds[first], palinds[first]);
		ans =  0;
		maybepalind(opalinds[first + 1], palinds[first + 1]);
	return (ans);
I get an error that says that the very last line:
maybepalins(opalinds[first + 1], palinds[first + 1]);
cannot convert parameter 1 from char to char[].

I am not sure what that means. I have tried every change I can think of.

If anyone has any ideas I would appreciate the input. Staring at this code so long I think I am going crosseyed.

Once I can get it to compile I think it is returning 1 all the time, because the string, no matter what I type in is always a palindrome.

Thanks Everyone!!!