I cannot get it work.
The function returnPointer() returns pointer for every string I've inserted until it returns null value. I want to store all of these returned pointers in a dynamic array named arrayOfPointers in the way that I can print out all these stored strings later. The main function doesn't work correctly. It just crashes (altough it seems to store some pointers in arrayOfPointers). I think that there is something wrong with variable q after passing through the while loop in the main function for the first time.

#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <malloc.h>
#include <string.h>
char * returnPointer();

int main ( void )
  char *q = NULL;
  char **arrayOfPointers = NULL;
  int size2 = 0;
  int capacity2 = 0;
    if ( size2 == capacity2 ) 
      capacity2 += 1;
      arrayOfPointers = realloc ( q, capacity2 + 1 );
    q = returnPointer();
    arrayOfPointers[size2++] = q;
  } while (q != NULL);
  return 0;

char * returnPointer()
  char *s = NULL;
  int size = 0;
  int capacity = 0;
  int ch;
  printf("Insert something\n");
  while ( ( ch = getchar() ) != '\n' && ch != EOF ) 
    if ( size == capacity ) 
      char *save;
      capacity += 5;
      save = realloc ( s, capacity + 1 );
      if ( save == NULL )
      s = save;
    s[size++] = ch;

  if ( size > 0 ) 
    s[size] = '\0';
  return s;