#define FLUSH while (getchar () != '\n')
#define FILE_IN "countries.txt"
// Type Definitions
typedef char KEY_TYPE;
typedef struct {
char *name;
char *capital;
long population;
typedef struct {
KEY_TYPE key[3];
typedef struct nodeTag {
DATA data;
struct nodeTag* link;
// Prototype Declarations
char getOption (void);
void printMenu (void);
int searchList (NODE *pList, NODE **pPre, NODE **pCur, char target[]);
NODE *insertNode (NODE *pList, NODE *pPre, DATA item);
NODE *deleteNode (NODE *pList, NODE *pPre, NODE *pCur);
void printList (NODE *pList);
NODE *destroyList (NODE *pList);
NODE *buildList (void);
NODE *processListManager (NODE *pList);
void searchManager (NODE *pList);
NODE *insertManager (NODE *pList);
NODE *deleteManager (NODE *pList);
int getData ( FILE *spIn, DATA *data );
void insertCommas ( NODE *pWalker, char *population );
void printCountry ( NODE *list, char populationInCommas[] );
int insertHandler ( DATA *data, char target[] );
int main ( void )
// Local Definitions
NODE *list = NULL;
// Statements
printf("\t\t LAB 8 - LINKED LISTS\n\n");
list = buildList();
processListManager ( list );
list = destroyList ( list );
printf("\n\t\tEnd of LAB 8 - LINKED LISTS"
"\n\t\tHave a great day!\n");
printf( _CrtDumpMemoryLeaks() ? "Memory Leak\n" : "No Leak\n");
return 0;
}// main
/* ================================================================= */
* Instructor
/* ================================================================= */
/* ==================== getOption ====================
Gets and validates the user's option.
Pre : nothing
Post : valid option returned
Written by : Instructor
char getOption (void)
// Local Definitions
char option;
// Statements
printf ("\n\nPlease enter the option: ");
scanf ("%c", &option);
option = toupper (option);
while(strchr("LSIDME", option) == NULL)
printf("\..........* Invalid option! ***\n");
printf("Enter one of the following letters: L, S, I, D, M, E: " );
scanf ("%c", &option);
option = toupper (option);
return option;
} // getOption
/* ============================== printMenu ==============================
Prints the menu to the screen.
PRE : nothing
POST : menu printed
Written by : Instructor
void printMenu (void)
// Local Definitions
// Statements
"\n\t\t* *"
"\n\t\t* L - List *"
"\n\t\t* S - Search *"
"\n\t\t* I - Insert *"
"\n\t\t* D - Delete *"
"\n\t\t* M - Print Menu *"
"\n\t\t* E - Exit *"
"\n\t\t* *"
} // printMenu
/* ============================== processListManager ====================
Process user's option by calling appropriate functions.
PRE : pList - a pointer to the first node of a linked list
POST : pList - might be changed after inserting or deleting
Written by : Instructor
NODE *processListManager (NODE *pList)
// Local Definitions
char option;
// Statements
option = getOption();
case 'L' : printList (pList);
case 'S' : searchManager (pList);
case 'I' : pList = insertManager (pList);
case 'D' : pList = deleteManager (pList);
case 'M' : printMenu ();
case 'E' : printf("End of processing!\n");
default : break;
} while (option != 'E');
return pList;
} // processListManager
/* ================================================================= */
* Me
/* ================================================================= */
/* =============================buildList=================================
Builds the list for the countries' data from the input file.
PRE : nothing
POST: pList - the complete list after reading from input file
NODE *buildList (void)
// Local Declarations
NODE *pList;
NODE *pPre;
NODE *pCur;
DATA data;
FILE *spIn;
int result;
// Statements
if ( ! ( spIn = fopen ( FILE_IN, "r" ) ) ) {
printf("Error opening file %s\n", FILE_IN);
pList = NULL;
while ( getData ( spIn, &data ) ) {
result = searchList(pList, &pPre, &pCur, data.key);
if ( !result )
pList = insertNode(pList, pPre, data);
fclose ( spIn );
return pList;
} // buildList
/* ==============================getData==================================
Gathers the data from the input file and allocates memory for the
countries' names and capitals.
PRE : spIn - the input file containing country data
data - address of the data from buildList
POST: pList - the list after reading from input file
int getData ( FILE *spIn, DATA *data )
// Local Declarations
int result;
// Statements
data-> = (char*)calloc(21, sizeof(char));
data-> = (char*)calloc(16, sizeof(char));
result = fscanf ( spIn, "%2s %20[^;] %*c %15[^;] %*c %ld",
data->key, data->,
data->, &(data->list.population) );
if ( result == 4 )
return 1;
else {
free ( data-> );
free ( data-> );
return 0;
} // getData
/* ============================insertNode=================================
Inserts a node into the list.
PRE : pList - the current list before adding a new node
pPre - the predescessor of the new node
item - country data to be copied into the new node
POST: pList - the list with the new node added
NODE *insertNode (NODE *pList, NODE *pPre, DATA item)
// Local Declarations
NODE *pNew;
// Statements
if ( ! ( pNew = (NODE*)malloc(sizeof(NODE))))
printf("Memory is unavailable.\n"),
pNew->data = item;
if ( pPre == NULL ) {
pNew->link = pList;
pList = pNew;
else {
pNew->link = pPre->link;
pPre->link = pNew;
return pList;
} // insertNode
/* ============================searchList=================================
Searches the list for the target key.
PRE : pList - the list with the countries' data
pPre - the predescessor of the walker node
pCur - walker node that walks through pList
target- the inputted key for the search
POST: found - returns 1 if target is found, otherwise returns 0
int searchList (NODE *pList, NODE **pPre, NODE **pCur, char target[])
// Local Declarations
int found = 0;
// Statements
*pPre = NULL;
*pCur = pList;
while (*pCur != NULL) {
if (strcmp ( target, (*pCur)->data.key) == 0 ){
found = 1;
*pPre = *pCur;
*pCur = (*pCur)->link;
return found;
} // searchList
/* =============================printList=================================
Prints the countries' IDs and names.
PRE : pList - the current country list
POST: list is printed
void printList (NODE *pList)
// Local Declarations
NODE *pWalker;
// Statements
printf( "== ====================\n"
"ID NAME \n"
"== ====================\n");
pWalker = pList;
while ( pWalker ) {
printf("%s %-20s\n",
pWalker->data.key, pWalker->;
pWalker = pWalker->link;
printf( "=======================" );
} // printList
/* ============================insertCommas=================================
Inserts commas for the countries' populations when printed out.
PRE : pWalker - points to a node
POST: commas are inserted in countries' populations
void insertCommas ( NODE *pWalker, char *population )
// Local Declarations
char printString[15];
char tempString[15];
char insertComma[] = ",";
int strLength;
int checkRmdr;
int i;
// Statements
*printString = '\0';
sprintf(tempString, "%ld", pWalker->data.list.population);
strLength = strlen ( tempString );
checkRmdr = strLength % 3;
if ( checkRmdr > 0 ) {
strncat ( printString, tempString, checkRmdr );
strcat ( printString, insertComma );
for ( i = checkRmdr; i < (int) strlen ( tempString ); ) {
strncat ( printString, tempString + i, 3 );
i += 3;
strcat ( printString, insertComma );
printString[strlen(printString) - 1] = '\0';
strcpy (population, printString);
} // insertCommas
/* ============================searchManager==============================
Prompts user for a key and searches for it. If found, calls the
printCountry funtion that prints out the country's ID, name,
capital, and its population.
PRE : pList - the current country list
POST: nothing
void searchManager (NODE *pList)
// Local Declarations
NODE *pPre;
NODE *pCur;
char target[3];
char populationInCommas[15];
// Statements
printf("Please enter a key: ");
scanf("%2s", target);
if ( searchList ( pList, &pPre, &pCur, target ) ) {
insertCommas(pCur, populationInCommas);
printCountry(pCur, populationInCommas);
printf("Country could not be found. Please try again.");
} // searchManager
/* ============================printCountry===============================
Prints country's ID, name, capital, and its population.
PRE : list - the current country list
populationInCommas - country's population with
inserted commas
POST: prints country data
void printCountry ( NODE *list, char populationInCommas[] )
// Statements
printf( "\n ID: %s\n"
" Name: %s\n"
" Capital: %s\n"
"Population: %s\n", list->data.key,
} // printCountry
/* ============================insertManager=================================
Inserts a node into the list by prompting the user to enter a key. It
will then call searchList to ensure that there are no duplicates. If not
found, it will proceed to gather more information from the user.
PRE : pList - the current list before adding a new node
POST: pList - the list with the new node added
NODE *insertManager (NODE *pList)
// Local Declarations
NODE *pPre;
NODE *pCur;
DATA insertData;
int position;
char target[3];
int counter = 1;
// Statements
printf("Please enter a key: ");
scanf("%2s", target);
if ( ! ( searchList ( pList, &pPre, &pCur, target ) ) ) {
position = insertHandler ( &insertData, target );
switch (position) {
case 1: pPre = NULL;
case 2: pPre = pList;
while (pPre) {
pPre = pPre->link;
counter /= 2;
pPre = pList;
while ( counter != 1 ) {
pPre = pPre->link;
case 3: pPre->link = NULL;
pList = insertNode( pList, pPre, insertData );
printf("That country ID already exists. Please try again.");
return pList;
} // insertManager
/* ===========================insertHandler===============================
Inserts a node into the list.
PRE : pList - the current list before adding a new node
target - the new node's key
POST: position - integer that indicates the new node's position
int insertHandler ( DATA *data, char target[] )
// Local Declarations
int position = 0;
// Statements
if ( ! ( data-> = (char*)calloc(21, sizeof(char)))) {
printf("Memory Unavailable.\n");
if ( ! ( data-> = (char*)calloc(16, sizeof(char)))) {
printf("Memory Unavailable.\n");
strcpy ( data->key, target );
printf("Enter the country's name: ");
scanf("%s", data->;
printf("Enter the country's capital: ");
scanf("%s", data->;
printf("Enter the country's population: ");
scanf("%ld", &(data->list.population));
while ( position < 1 || position > 3 ) {
printf("Where would you like to place this new country?\n"
"Beginning(1), Middle(2), End(3): ");
scanf("%d", &position);
if ( position < 1 || position > 3 )
printf("Incorrect option. Please try again.\n");
return position;
} // insertHandler
/* ============================deleteNode=================================
Deletes a node from the list.
PRE : pList - the current list before deleting a node
pPre - the predescessor of the node to be deleted
pCur - the node to be deleted
POST: pList - the list with the node removed
NODE *deleteNode (NODE *pList, NODE *pPre, NODE *pCur)
// Statements
if ( pPre == NULL )
pList = pCur->link;
pPre->link = pCur->link;
free ( pCur );
return pList;
} // deleteNode
/* ============================deleteManager==============================
Prompts user for a key for the node they want to delete. searchList is
called and if not found, no nodes will be deleted.
PRE : pList - the current list before deleting a node
POST: pList - the list with or without the node to be deleted
NODE *deleteManager (NODE *pList)
// Local Declarations
NODE *pPre = NULL;
NODE *pCur;
char target[3];
// Statements
printf("Please enter a key: ");
scanf("%2s", target);
if ( searchList ( pList, &pPre, &pCur, target ) )
pList = deleteNode ( pList, pPre, pCur );
printf("Country could not be found. Please try again.");
return pList;
} // deleteManager
/* ============================destroyList=================================
Deletes all the nodes in the list.
PRE : pList - the current list before removing all data
POST: pList - an empty list
NODE *destroyList (NODE *pList)
// Local Declarations
NODE *pPre = NULL;
NODE *pCur;
// Statements
while ( pList ) {
pCur = pList;
free ( pCur-> );
free ( pCur-> );
pList = deleteNode ( pList, pPre, pCur );
return pList;
} // destroyList
The input file: