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Since the whole exercise was already going too far, that's irrelevant.
I realize you were happy to have a solution that (seemed to) work, and you wanted to share; and if you had just done so, you probably would still have had a couple people make noises about doing people's homework, but that's mostly small potatoes (everybody has a line, but in different places), and using code as a "teachable moment" can be useful.
The flip side is that you have become a regular here -- you've started 25 threads in the last two months, after all -- and a known quantity. And posting the code that you did, calling it "brilliant" and "bug-free"; well, that's a teachable moment, too. Not just that pride goeth before a fall, but maybe to see what bug-free code actually is.
I'm getting way too philosophical for a Friday, so I'll stop.