Hi guys I'm suppose to use this library to create a bigger application but I'm struggling trying to figure out how exactly this big data structure works together.

I noticed the rules struct is a double linked list correct?>
Which holds a char array.

THere is also another doubly linekd list named names.
Which holds a name array and also another struct named name_data.

Okay so these 2 lists don't seem to be communicating with eachother but where I get lost is here:

// Global lists

struct {
  struct names all;             // from all dependency lines
  struct names targets;         // from most recent dependency line
  struct name *primary;         // from first dependency line
} names = { { NULL, NULL }, { NULL, NULL }, NULL };
What exactly is this doing?
Its a struct but whats the line:
struct names all;
struct names targets
struct name *primary;
and the names = {{NULL,NULL},{....}

all mean?

Thats where I'm getting lost.

ANy help would be great!


/* Each target has a name, a list of sources, and a list of rules.
 *   The list of sources could be empty.
 *   The list of rules could be empty.
 * Each source could be a target, and each target could be a source.
 * A rule describes a command that could be issued to build a target.
 *   A rule is attached to each of the targets of the most recent dependency iine.
 * A list of sources is derived from one or more dependency lines.
 *   When a second dependency line is noticed for a target, should it replace the
 *   previous line, or add to it?  Should the following rules replace the previous
 *   rules, or add to them?
 * The rules are taken in order as seen, so a singly-linked list is ok.
 *   We only need the text of the command.  For simplicity, it retains the trailing
 *   newline from fgets().
 * We need the last modification time from stat().
 *   The access() function might be useful to see if a file exists.
 * The primary target is the first one seen.
 * The current targets are those listed on the most recent dependency line.
 * The error and warning messages can imitate Sun's make or GNU make.
 *   GNU make on Solaris is gmake.  Linux and Mac OS X use GNU make.

// List of Rules

struct rule {
  struct rule *next;
  char *command;                // with trailing newline

struct rules {
  struct rule *head, *tail;

// List of Names, can be used for targets or sources

/* C requires a forward declaration here. */
struct name_data;

struct name {                   // target or source
  struct name *next;
  char *name;
  struct name_data *name_data;

struct names {
  struct name *head, *tail;

// Data for each name

struct name_data {
  char *name;
  struct names sources;         // list of sources
  struct rules rules;           // list of rules
  int stat_valid;               // 1/0 = true/false, as usual
  struct stat stat;             // info from stat()
  int printed;                  // 1/0 if rules already printed or not

// Global lists

struct {
  struct names all;             // from all dependency lines
  struct names targets;         // from most recent dependency line
  struct name *primary;         // from first dependency line
} names = { { NULL, NULL }, { NULL, NULL }, NULL };


void *Malloc(size_t size);              // simple wrappers, example follows
char *Strdup(char *str);

struct name *find_name(char *name);     // example follows
struct name_data *allocate_name_data(char *name);
struct name *allocate_name(char *name); // example follows
void append_name(struct names *names, struct name *name);
    // scan the list and avoid duplication

struct rule *allocate_rule(char *command);
void _append_rule(struct rules *rules, struct rule *rule);
void append_rule(char *command);        // use current target, example follows
int print_rule(struct rule *rule);      // return number of rules printed
int print_rules(struct rules *rules);

void append_source(char *name);         // use current target
int print_source(struct name *source);  // return number of sources printed
int print_sources(struct names *sources);

void append_target(char *name, int start);
    // there might be more than one target on a dependency line
    // start == 1 indicates initialize the list, otherwise append
int print_target(struct name *target);  // return number of rules printed
int print_targets(char *msg);

void parse(char *buf, char *word[]);    // modified from Project 6
void read_file(char *filename);         // see above


void *Malloc(size_t size)
  void *p = malloc(size);

  if (p == NULL) { printf("failed: Malloc(): %s\n", strerror(errno)); exit(1); }

  return p;


struct name *find_name(char *name)
  struct name *nm;

  for (nm = names.all.head; nm != NULL; nm = nm->next)
      if (strcmp(name, nm->name) == 0)
        { break; }

  return nm;

struct name *allocate_name(char *name)
  struct name *p = Malloc(sizeof(struct name));

  p->next = NULL;
  p->name = Strdup(name);
  p->name_data = allocate_name_data(name);

  return p;


void _append_rule(struct rules *rules, struct rule *rule)
  if (rules->head == NULL)      // empty list
      rules->head = rules->tail = rule;
      rules->tail->next = rule;
      rules->tail = rule;

void append_rule(char *command)
  struct rule *p = allocate_rule(command);

  _append_rule(&names.targets.head->name_data->rules, p);
