In attempting to debug this program, I fear two things. 1) The debugger isn't telling me where my program is seg faulting, and 2) I don't know if I've done my allocations to my arrays correctly.

So, if anyone wants to play "find the seg fault in the code stack," be my guest. I will be eternally grateful.

And if anyone else would like to point out any errors in my use of malloc/realloc, I would be most obliged.

Incidentally, "combination.h" just includes an iterator for moving through combinations of sets of data of a given size called "next_comb".

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <conio.h>
#include <math.h>
#include "combination.h"

float distance(int* x, int* y, int i, int j);
int choose(int x, int y);
int indexCompare(const void*, const void*);

       int number_of_points, number_of_sides;
       int i, j, k;
       float avg_side_length, variation;

       printf("How many points are to be considered?: ");
       scanf("%d", &number_of_points);
       while (number_of_points < 4){
             printf("\nCannot generate polygons with the number of points given.\n\n");
             printf("How many points are to be considered?: ");
             scanf("%d", &number_of_points);
       printf("How many sides should each polygon have?: ");
       scanf("%d", &number_of_sides);
       while ((number_of_sides < 2) || (number_of_sides > number_of_points)){
             printf("\nCannot generate polygons with %d sides.\n\n", number_of_sides);
             printf("How many sides should each polygon have?: ");
             scanf("%d", &number_of_sides);
       printf("What is the length of an average side?: ");
       scanf("%f", &avg_side_length);
       printf("How much variation (in terms of percent) are allowed?: ");
       scanf("%f", &variation);
       float var = (variation/100.0);
       int x[number_of_points];
       int y[number_of_points];
       char vertex[number_of_points];
       int edges = 0;
       float length;
       char edge_string[(number_of_sides*2)+1];
       int polygons_found = 0;
       int count = 0;

       char edge_index_name[(number_of_points)*(number_of_points-1)/2][3];
       int *combination = (int *)malloc(number_of_sides * sizeof(int));
       int **edge_matrix = (int **)malloc((number_of_points*(number_of_points-1)/2) * sizeof(int *));
/* Label all vertices publicly */
       for (i=0; i<number_of_points; i++){
           if (i < 26)
              vertex[i] = (i + 65);
           else if ( (26 <= i) && (i < 52) )
                vertex[i] = (i + 71);
           else if ( (52 <= i) && (i < 67) )
                vertex[i] = (i + 172);
           else if ( (67 <= i) && (i < 71) )
                vertex[i] = (i - 32);
           else if ( (71 <= i) && (i < 81) )
                vertex[i] = (i - 23);
           else if ( (i == 81) )
                vertex[i] = 64;
               vertex[i] = (i + 46);
       printf("\n\nFor each point, list the x- and y-coordiates as an ordered pair.\n[Ex., A(x,y): 2,4 ]\n");
       for (i=0; i<number_of_points; i++){
           printf("%c(x,y): ", vertex[i]);
           scanf("%d,%d", &x[i], &y[i]);

/* Count the number of edges for structure matrix */
       for (i=0; i<number_of_points; i++){
           for (j=i; j<number_of_points; j++){
               length = distance(x, y, i, j);
               if ( ((1.00 - var)*(avg_side_length) <= length) && 
                    (length <= (1.00 + var)*(avg_side_length)) ){
                    edge_index_name[edges][0] = vertex[i];
                    edge_index_name[edges][1] = vertex[j];
                    edge_index_name[edges][2] = '\0';
       if (edges == 0){
          printf("No segments found within %f percent.\n", variation);
       if ((edges < number_of_sides) && (edges != 0)){
          printf("Not enough viable segments in graph.\n");
       if (edges >= number_of_sides){
          for (i=0; i<(number_of_points*(number_of_points-1)/2); i++){
              edge_matrix[i] = (int *)malloc(number_of_sides * sizeof(int));
          for (i=0; i<number_of_sides; i++){
              combination[i] = i;
              edge_matrix[0][i] = i;
          j = 1;
          while (next_comb(combination, number_of_sides, edges)){
                for (i=0; i<number_of_sides; i++){
                    edge_matrix[j][i] = combination[i];
       for (i=0; i<choose(edges, number_of_sides); i++){
           for (j=0; j<number_of_sides; j++){
               if (j == 0){
                  strncpy(edge_string, edge_index_name[edge_matrix[i][j]],2);
               if (j > 0){
                  strncat(edge_string, edge_index_name[edge_matrix[i][j]],2);
           qsort(edge_string, number_of_sides*2, sizeof(edge_string[0]), indexCompare);
           for (k=0; k<(number_of_sides*2); k+=2){
               if (edge_string[k] == edge_string[k+1]){
           if (count == number_of_sides){
              for (k=0; k<(number_of_sides*2); k+=2){
              count = 0;

       printf("\n%d %d-sided polygons found.", polygons_found, number_of_sides);
/* Endless loop for utilizing the same data set */
       while (1){
             printf("How many sides should each polygon have?: ");
             scanf("%d", &number_of_sides);
             while ((number_of_sides < 2) || (number_of_sides > number_of_points)){
                   printf("\nCannot generate polygons with %d sides.\n\n", number_of_sides);
                   printf("How many sides should each polygon have?: ");
                   scanf("%d", &number_of_sides);
             printf("What is the length of an average side?: ");
             scanf("%f", &avg_side_length);
             printf("How much variation (in terms of percent) are allowed?: ");
             scanf("%f", &variation);
             var = (variation/100.0);
             polygons_found = 0;
             edges = 0;
             count = 0;
             combination = (int *)realloc((char *)combination, number_of_sides * sizeof(int));
             /* Count the number of edges for structure matrix */
             for (i=0; i<number_of_points; i++){
                 for (j=i; j<number_of_points; j++){
                     length = distance(x, y, i, j);
                     if ( ((1.00 - var)*(avg_side_length) <= length) && 
                          (length <= (1.00 + var)*(avg_side_length)) ){
                          edge_index_name[edges][0] = vertex[i];
                          edge_index_name[edges][1] = vertex[j];
                          edge_index_name[edges][2] = '\0';
             if (edges == 0){
                printf("No segments found within %f percent.\n", variation);
             if ((edges < number_of_sides) && (edges != 0)){
                printf("Not enough viable segments in graph.\n");
             if (edges >= number_of_sides){
                for (i=0; i<(number_of_points*(number_of_points-1)/2); i++){
                    edge_matrix[i] = (int *)realloc((char *)edge_matrix[i], number_of_sides * sizeof(int));
                for (i=0; i<number_of_sides; i++){
                    combination[i] = i;
                    edge_matrix[0][i] = i;
                j = 1;
                while (next_comb(combination, number_of_sides, edges)){
                      for (i=0; i<number_of_sides; i++){
                          edge_matrix[j][i] = combination[i];
             for (i=0; i<choose(edges, number_of_sides); i++){
                 for (j=0; j<number_of_sides; j++){
                     if (j == 0){
                        strncpy(edge_string, edge_index_name[edge_matrix[i][j]],2);
                     if (j > 0){
                        strncat(edge_string, edge_index_name[edge_matrix[i][j]],2);
                 qsort(edge_string, number_of_sides*2, sizeof(edge_string[0]), indexCompare);
                 for (k=0; k<(number_of_sides*2); k+=2){
                     if (edge_string[k] == edge_string[k+1]){
                 if (count == number_of_sides){
                    for (k=0; k<(number_of_sides*2); k+=2){
                    count = 0;

             printf("\n%d %d-sided polygons found.", polygons_found, number_of_sides);
float distance(int* x, int* y, int i, int j){
     return ( sqrt( pow((y[i] - y[j]),2) + pow((x[i] - x[j]),2) ) );
int choose(int x, int y){
    if (x < y){
       return 0;
    int i;
    int term1 = 1;
    int term2 = 1;
    int term3 = 1;
    for (i=1; i<=x; i++){
        term1 *= i;
    for (i=1; i<=y; i++){
        term2 *= i;
    for (i=1; i<=(x-y); i++){
        term3 *= i;
    return (term1/(term2*term3));

int indexCompare(const void* element1, const void* element2){
    if (*(const char*)element1 > *(const char*)element2){
       return 1;
    if (*(const char*)element1 == *(const char*)element2){
       return 0;
    if (*(const char*)element1 < *(const char*)element2){
       return -1;