Here is the whole program that I am working on:

#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#define NAME_SIZE 26
#define ADDRESS_SIZE 26
#define PHONENO_SIZE 16
void PrintHeadings(void);
void GetTopLine(void);
void Calculate(void);
void CalcInstall(void);
void CalcSubTotal(void);
void CalcTotal(void);
void PrintResults(void);
void Termination(void);
void GetTopLine(void);
void HorizontalLine(void);
void GetBottomLine(void);
void lengthWidthArea(char CustomerName[NAME_SIZE], char CustomerAddress[ADDRESS_SIZE],
char CityStateZip[CITY_STATE_ZIP_SIZE], char CustomerPhoneNo[PHONENO_SIZE], int *length, int *width);
int PageNo = 1;
int initialization(char CustomerName[NAME_SIZE], char CustomerAddress[ADDRESS_SIZE],
char CityStateZip[CITY_STATE_ZIP_SIZE], char CustomerPhoneNo[PHONENO_SIZE], int *length, int *width);
int processCustomerRecord(char CustomerName[NAME_SIZE], char CustomerAddress[ADDRESS_SIZE],
char CityStateZip[CITY_STATE_ZIP_SIZE], char CustomerPhoneNo[PHONENO_SIZE], int *length, int *width);
int calculateLengthWidth( int *length, int *width);
void termination(void);
int main(void)
char CustomerName[NAME_SIZE] = {0};
char CustomerAddress[ADDRESS_SIZE] = {0};
char CityStateZip[CITY_STATE_ZIP_SIZE] = {0};
char CustomerPhoneNo[PHONENO_SIZE] = {0};
int calculateLengthWidth( int *length, int *width);
int length;
int width;

//int plength = &length;
int readStatus = 0;

readStatus = initialization( CustomerName, CustomerAddress,
CityStateZip, CustomerPhoneNo, &length, &width);
while ( 6 == readStatus )
readStatus = processCustomerRecord ( CustomerName, CustomerAddress,
CityStateZip, CustomerPhoneNo, &length, &width);
return 0;
// This is where the prime read is
int initialization(char CustomerName[NAME_SIZE], char CustomerAddress[ADDRESS_SIZE],
char CityStateZip[CITY_STATE_ZIP_SIZE], char CustomerPhoneNo[PHONENO_SIZE], int *length, int *width)
int status;
status = scanf("%25c %25c %25c %15c %i %i", CustomerName, CustomerAddress, CityStateZip,
CustomerPhoneNo, length, width);

return status;
void GetTopLine(void)
int tLine = 0;
printf("%c", 218);
for(tLine = 0; tLine < 78; tLine++)
printf("%c", 196);
printf("%c\n", 191);
void HorizontalLine(void)
int hLine = 0;
for(hLine = 0; hLine < 78; hLine++)
printf("%c", 196);
void GetBottomLine(void)
int bLine = 0;
printf("%c", 192);
for(bLine = 0; bLine < 78; bLine++)
printf("%c", 196);
printf("%c", 217);
void PrintHeadings(void)
int pageNo = 0;
printf("%c", 179);
printf("Program Name: PA14.exe");
printf("%15s By Tommy Hicks %10s", "", "");
printf("Page No %3d", &pageNo);
printf("%c\n", 179);
printf("%c", 179);
printf("Run Date: 08/22/2001 %57s", "");
printf("%c\n", 179);
printf("%c", 195);
printf("%c\n", 180);


// This is where the Customer record is written and printed
int processCustomerRecord(char CustomerName[NAME_SIZE], char CustomerAddress[ADDRESS_SIZE],
char CityStateZip[CITY_STATE_ZIP_SIZE], char CustomerPhoneNo[PHONENO_SIZE], int *length, int *width)
int status;
//int area = 0;//calculateLengthWidth(*length, *width);
int area = *length * *width;
char ch;
printf("%c", 179);
printf("%25s %51s %c\n", CustomerName, "", 179);
printf("%c %25s %50s %c\n", 179, CustomerAddress, "", 179);
printf("%c %25s %50s %c\n", 179, CityStateZip, "", 179);
printf("%c %15s %60s %c\n", 179, CustomerPhoneNo, "", 179);
printf("%c", 195);
printf("%c\n", 180);
//status = scanf("%25c %25c %25c %15c %i %i", CustomerName, CustomerAddress, CityStateZip,
// CustomerPhoneNo, length, width);
ch = getchar();
//printf("%c\n", 179);
printf("%c", 179);
printf("%37s MEASUREMENT %28s", "", "");
printf("%c\n", 179);
printf("%c %76s %c\n", 179, "", 179);
printf("%c %25s Length %20s %d ft %15s %c\n", 179, "", "", *length, "", 179);
printf("%c %25s Width %21s %d ft %15s %c\n", 179, "", "", *width, "", 179);
int area = calculateLengthWidth(*length, *width);
status = scanf("%25c %25c %25c %15c %i %i", CustomerName, CustomerAddress, CityStateZip,
CustomerPhoneNo, length, width);
return status;
}//End of processCustomerRecord

int calculateLengthWidth(int *length, int *width)
int area = *length * *width;
printf("%c %25s Area %21s %d ft %15s %c\n", 179, "", "", *area, "", 179);
return area;
}//end calculateLengthWidth

At this moment I have 15 errors and I know it is because of area.

I'm not sure if it is how it is declared or how I am calling it.

My stupity continues........