So I have designed this hangman game and completed the program. The program correctly prompts the user if they want to play and correctly displays a hidden word, but after that it does nothing more than keep asking the user for their guess. Any help would be greatly appreciated thank you!

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <string.h>

#define MAX_SIZE 30
#define MAXWORDS 1000
#define MAX_ATTEMPTS 5

void initialize_words(char *word, int word_length);
int load_game(char *game_word, char puzzle[][MAX_SIZE]);
void print_game_word(char guessed_word[], int word_length);
char get_user_guess();
int perform_guess(char game_word[], char *guessed_word, int word_length, char guess);
int game_solved(char game_word[], char guessed_word[]);
void read_words(char all_words[][MAX_SIZE], FILE *fin, int n);

int main(void)

    char puzzle[MAXWORDS][MAX_SIZE];
    char filename[MAX_SIZE];
    char game_word[MAX_SIZE];
    FILE *fin;
    int word_length;
    char guessed_word[MAX_SIZE];
    char user_choice[6];
    int chosen_letters[26];
    char guess;
    int correct_guess;
    int i;
    int num_words;
    int user_attempts = 0;


    // Ask the user for the input file.
    printf("What file stores the puzzle words?\n");
    scanf("%s", filename);
    fin = fopen(filename, "r");

    // Read in all of the words into the array.
    fscanf(fin, "%d", &num_words);
    read_words(puzzle, fin, num_words);


        printf("Would you like to play hangman (yes/no)?\n");       //Asks the user if they would like to play a game of
        scanf("%s", user_choice);                                   //hangman

        if (!(strcmp(user_choice, "no") == 0 || strcmp(user_choice, "n") == 0 ))    //If the user decides to play, their puzzle is loaded
        {                                                                          //and printed. The user is than asked for their guess.
            printf("Here is your puzzle:\n");
            word_length = load_game(game_word, puzzle);
            initialize_words(guessed_word, MAX_SIZE);
            print_game_word(guessed_word, word_length);
            printf("You currently have %d incorrect guesses\n", user_attempts);    //Informs the user how man incorrect guesses they
        }                                                                          //have
            printf("Thanks for playing!\n");      //Exits the loop if user does not want to play
            return 0;

        for (i = 0; i < 26; i++)          //For loop initializing letters that the user has chosen to zero before each new
        {                                 //game is played
            chosen_letters[i] = 0;

        while (user_attempts != MAX_ATTEMPTS)

            guess = get_user_guess();
            correct_guess = perform_guess(game_word, guessed_word, guess, word_length);

            if (guess == 1)
                printf("Congratulations, you guessed a letter in the puzzle!\n");
            else if (guess == 0)
                 printf("Sorry, that letter is NOT in the puzzle.\n");

            else if (chosen_letters[i] > 2)
                printf("Sorry, you guessed that letter already. Now it counts as a miss.\n");
                chosen_letters[(int)(guess - 'A')]++;

            else if (user_attempts == MAX_ATTEMPTS)
                printf("Sorry, you have made 5 incorrect guesses, you lose.\n The correct word was %s.\n", game_word);
            else if (game_solved(game_word, guessed_word))
                printf("Congratulation! You got the correct word, %s.\n", game_word);


    } while (strcmp(user_choice, "no") != 0);

    return 0;

//Initializes all words to zero, indicating no letter has been guessed
void initialize_words(char *word, int word_length)
    int i;

    for (i = 0; i < word_length; i++)
        word[i] = 0;
//Loads a random word in text file to be used for playing the game
int load_game(char *game_word, char puzzle[][MAX_SIZE])

    int num_words;
    int underscore_length = 0;
    int puzzlenum;

    puzzlenum = rand()%num_words;   //Picks a random word in the file

    strcpy(game_word, puzzle[puzzlenum]);  //Copies randomly chosen word in file to "game_word"
    underscore_length = strlen(game_word);

    return underscore_length;        //Returns length of "game_word"


//Prints out the word which was chosen from the file
void print_game_word(char guessed_word[], int word_length)
    int i;

    for (i = 0; i < word_length; i++)
        if (guessed_word[i]==0)
            printf("_  ");
            printf("%c  ", guessed_word[i]);

//Prompts menu for user playing the game to guess letter, converts the guess to a Capital letter as specified,
//and returns the user's guess
char get_user_guess()
    char guess;

    printf("Please enter your guess\n");
    scanf("%c", &guess);

    guess = toupper(guess);


//Performs the user's guess. If the the guess is a letter in the word, the value is swapped with any "_" letters
int perform_guess(char game_word[], char *guessed_word, int word_length, char guess)
    int i;
    int guessed_right = 0;
    int chosen_letters[26];

    for (i = 0; i < word_length; i++)
        if (guessed_word[i] != 0)
            if (game_word[i] == guess)
                guessed_word[i] = guess;
                chosen_letters[guess - 'A']++;
                return 1;


//Checks to see if word user has guessed is equal to underscore_word
int game_solved(char game_word[], char guessed_word[])
    if (strcmp(guessed_word, game_word) == 0)
         return 1;
        return 0;

// Pre-conditions: allWords must be of size n, at least, fin must
//                 point to a file with n words, with only uppercase letters
//                 ready to read from the first word.
// Post-conditions: The n words stored in the file pointed to by fin will
//                  we stored in the array allWords.
void read_words(char all_words[][MAX_SIZE], FILE *fin, int n)
    int i;
    for (i=0; i<n; i++)
        fscanf(fin, "%s", all_words[i]);