Hello to all,

I've lost touch with C programming for almost 3 years, so I forgot some subtle details.
I was solving one problem by writing C program and was surprised to learn that this code:
int main(void)
    int x=3, y=2; 
    printf("%d", (x++));
    printf("\n%d", (--y));
    printf("\n%d", (++x));
    printf("\n%d", (y--));
    return 0;
is producing same result as this one:

int main(void)
    int x=3, y=2; 
    printf("%d", x++);
    printf("\n%d", --y);
    printf("\n%d", ++x);
    printf("\n%d", y--);
    return 0;
How to explain this?
It seems that when execution of program comes to %d in printf function, it immediately substitutes this with a value similar like a = b++ no matter there are parenthesis.
