I'm relatively new to programming and I have to write a function that reads in input from the user and to fill two arrays then compare them. I guess what I'm confused on is how to read in both arrays.

This is what I'm supposed to do,

Write a table_diff fuction that compares two arrays of integers and returns the subscript of the first place they differ. If the arrays are the same, the function should return -1 ex:

345 & 345 --> -1 (same)

345 & 346 --> 2 (differ at index 2)

1234 & 123 --> 3 (differ at index 3)

But what im having trouble with is writing the function to read the two arrays in. Im not sure if i can do it in one single while loop or if i need two?

This is what i have, any help is appreciated!

int table_fill(int a[], int b[],int max)

 int value;
 int r;
 int *ptra = a;
 int *ptrb = b;
 int *endptra = ptra - max;
 int *endptrb = ptrb - max;
printf("please enter values \n\n");

while((r = scanf("%i", &value)) != 1 && ptra < endptra)
     *(ptra++) = value;                      

     if (r==1)
         printf("No room after reading values\n\n");
     else if(r != EOF)
         printf("invalid char");

while((r = scanf("%i\n", &value))!= 1 && ptrb < endptrb){
    *(ptrb++) = value;

    if (r==1)
        printf("No room after reading values\n\n");       
    else if(r != EOF)
        printf("invalid char");                      