I can easily figure out how to determine how whether or not a number is even/odd and display that using if-else statements. No problem!

But as I attempt to complete the same task using a sentinal loop; let alone count them up in and print out a message stating how many of each were entered; I am screwed! I was wondering if anyone could provide some pointers in the right direction. This is what I have now:

#include< stdio.h>

int main()
int num;
int oddcount, int evencount;

printf("\nThis program will ask you to enter numbers and determine whether they are even or odd. It will also count how many of each you entered.");


while (num!=999)
printf("Enter a number: (to stop entering numbers enter 999) ");

if (num%2 != 0)

	printf("\nThe number %d Is Odd.\n",num);

else if (num%2 == 0)
printf("\nThe number %d Is Even.\n",num);

return 0;