I'm using Valgrind to find if there's bug in my program (i'm coding under linux) and it find someting, but i don't understand where's the problem.

Valgrind sais:
==5397== Thread 2:
==5397== Conditional jump or move depends on uninitialised value(s)
==5397== at 0x401358: ListSearch (packethandler.c:97)
==5397== by 0x40177D: HandlePackets (packetreader.c:47)
==5397== by 0x401643: Listen (packethandler.c:146)
==5397== by 0x4E2BFC6: start_thread (in /lib/libpthread-2.7.so)
==5397== by 0x51105AC: clone (in /lib/libc-2.7.so)
==5397== Jump to the invalid address stated on the next line
==5397== at 0x0: ???
==5397== by 0x401643: Listen (packethandler.c:146)
==5397== by 0x4E2BFC6: start_thread (in /lib/libpthread-2.7.so)
==5397== by 0x51105AC: clone (in /lib/libc-2.7.so)
==5397== Address 0x0 is not stack'd, malloc'd or (recently) free'd
==5397== Process terminating with default action of signal 11 (SIGSEGV)
==5397== Bad permissions for mapped region at address 0x0
==5397== at 0x0: ???
==5397== by 0x401643: Listen (packethandler.c:146)
==5397== by 0x4E2BFC6: start_thread (in /lib/libpthread-2.7.so)
==5397== by 0x51105AC: clone (in /lib/libc-2.7.so)
--5397-- REDIR: 0x50b69e0 (free) redirected to 0x4c20b00 (free)
For the first error valgrind is referring to that conditional jump:
RecvPacketList *ListSearch(RecvPacketList *plist, unsigned char i)
        while (plist != NULL)<- THIS ONE
                if (plist->ID == i)
                        return plist;
                plist = plist->next;
        return NULL;
ListSearch is called here:

void HandlePackets(RecvPacketList **plist, char *recvBuff)
	unsigned int ID = -1;
	RecvPacketList *list;
	while(ID != 0)
		ID = (unsigned int)*recvBuff;
		list = ListSearch(*plist, ID);
		if(list != NULL){
			pFunction pfunc = list->func;
And going again "back", HandlePackets is called here:

void *Listen(void *args)
	char recvPacketBuff[1024] = {0};
	RecvPacketList *plist;
	fd_set fset;
	printf("Initializing Packet List: ");
		FD_SET(sock_fd, &fset);
		select(sock_fd + 1, &fset, NULL, NULL, NULL);
		if(FD_ISSET(sock_fd, &fset)){
			recv(sock_fd, &recvPacketBuff, sizeof(recvPacketBuff), 0);
			HandlePackets(&plist, recvPacketBuff); <- THE SECOND ERROR, ln 146
And as you can see here.. plist IS initialized:

void Initialize(RecvPacketList **plist)
	pFunction temp = NULL;
	*plist = malloc(sizeof(RecvPacketList));
	if(*plist == NULL){
		printf("Error to allocate space for plist");
	(*plist)->ID = 0;
	(*plist)->func = NULL;
	Register(0x0B,plist, temp = DamagePacket);	
	Register(0x24,plist, temp = DisplayBuyList);
	Register(0x25,plist, temp = TradeEquipOp);
	Register(0x3C,plist, temp = VendorBuyContentOp);
	Register(0x6F,plist, temp = SecureTradeOp);
	Register(0x74,plist, temp = VendorBuyList);
	Register(0x82,plist, temp = AccountLoginRej);
	Register(0xA8,plist, temp = AccountLoginAck);
	Register(0xBA,plist, temp = ArrowOp);
	Register(0xB7,plist, temp = ObjectHelpResponse);
If you want also to see register:

void Register(unsigned char value, RecvPacketList **plist,  pFunction func)
	RecvPacketList *nextlist = (RecvPacketList *)malloc(sizeof(RecvPacketList));

	if(nextlist == NULL){
		printf("Memory allocation failed for nextlist");
 	nextlist->next = *plist;
	*plist = nextlist;
	nextlist->ID = value;
	nextlist->func = func;

Anyway plist is a linked list that contains "static" packet informations (packet to be read).
I also highlighted where's the second error.