Thread: Using pointers

  1. #1
    Registered User
    Join Date
    Oct 2008

    Using pointers

    #include <stdio.h>
    #include <stdlib.h>
    void find_closest_flight(int desired_time, int *departure_time, int *arrival_time);
    int main()
        int hour = 0;
        int minute = 0;
        // Departure times in minutes after midnight
        // int departure_times[] = 
        // {8*60, 9*60+43, 11*60+19, 12*60+47, 
        // 14*60, 15*60+45, 19*60, 21*60+45};
        // Arrival times in minutes after midnight
        // int arrival_times[] =
        // { 10*60+16, 11*60+52, 13*60+31, 15*60, 
        // 16*60+8, 17*60+55, 21*60+20, 23*60+58};
        // Length of the array.
        //int length = sizeof(arrival_times) / sizeof(arrival_times[0]);
        int departure_hour, departure_min;
        char departure_halfday;
        int arrival_hour, arrival_min;
        char arrival_halfday;
        // int i;
        // int time_in_minutes;
        // int difference1, difference2, difference3;
        // int min_difference, best_index;
        printf ("\nEnter a 24-hour time: ");
        scanf("%d:%d", &hour, &minute);
        printf ("You entered %2d:%02d\n", hour, minute);
        // Get user's time in minutes after midnight.
        //time_in_minutes = hour*60 + minute;
         //Look through the departure time array and find the value that
         //is closest to the time entered by the user.
        //min_difference = 100000;
        // for (i = 0; i < length; i++)
        // {
            //Difference between user's time and flight time today.
            // difference1 = abs(time_in_minutes - departure_times[i]);
            // if (difference1 < min_difference)
            // {
                // min_difference = difference1;
                // best_index = i;
            // }
           // Difference between user's time and flight time previous day.
            // difference2 = abs(time_in_minutes - (departure_times[i]  - 60*24));
            // if (difference2 < min_difference)
            // {
                // min_difference = difference2;
                // best_index = i;
            // }
            //Difference between user's time and flight time next day.
            // difference3 = abs(time_in_minutes - (departure_times[i] + 60*24));
            // if (difference3 < min_difference)
            // {
                // min_difference = difference3;
                // best_index = i;
            // }
        // }
        // We have determined the closes departure time in minutes after midnight.
        // Now output it as a time of day.
        // i = best_index;
        // departure_hour = departure_times[i] / 60;
        // departure_min = departure_times[i] % 60;
        // departure_halfday = 'a';
        // arrival_hour = arrival_times[i] / 60;
        // arrival_min = arrival_times[i] % 60;
        // arrival_halfday = 'a';
        if (departure_hour >= 12)
            // Departure is at noon or later.
            departure_halfday = 'p';
            if (departure_hour > 12)
                departure_hour -= 12;
           // Departure is before noon.
           if (departure_hour < 1)
                // 30 minutes after midnight should be 12:30 A.M.
                departure_hour += 12;
        if (arrival_hour >= 12)
            // Arrival time is at noon or later.
            arrival_halfday = 'p';
            if (arrival_hour > 12)
                arrival_hour -= 12;
           // Arrival time is before noon.
           if (arrival_hour < 1)
                arrival_hour += 12;
        printf ("closest departure time is %2d:%02d %c.m., ",
            departure_hour, departure_min, departure_halfday);
        printf("arriving at %2d:%02d %c.m.",
            arrival_hour,   arrival_min,   arrival_halfday);
        return 0;
    void find_closest_flight(int desired_time, int *departure_time, int *arrival_time)
    	int hour = 0;
    	int minute = 0;
    	//int desired_time;
    	//int departure_time;
    	//int arrival_time;
    	departure_time = &departure_time;
    	arrival_time = &arrival_time;
    	int departure_hour, departure_min;
        char departure_halfday;
        int arrival_hour, arrival_min;
        char arrival_halfday;
        int i;
        int time_in_minutes;
        int difference1, difference2, difference3;
        int min_difference, best_index;
    	 // Departure times in minutes after midnight
        int departure_times[] = 
        {8*60, 9*60+43, 11*60+19, 12*60+47, 
        14*60, 15*60+45, 19*60, 21*60+45};
        // Arrival times in minutes after midnight
        int arrival_times[] =
        { 10*60+16, 11*60+52, 13*60+31, 15*60, 
        16*60+8, 17*60+55, 21*60+20, 23*60+58};
    	i = best_index;
        departure_hour = departure_times[i] / 60;
        departure_min = departure_times[i] % 60;
        departure_halfday = 'a';
        arrival_hour = arrival_times[i] / 60;
        arrival_min = arrival_times[i] % 60;
        arrival_halfday = 'a';
    	int length = sizeof(arrival_times) / sizeof(arrival_times[0]);
        // Get user's time in minutes after midnight.
        time_in_minutes = hour*60 + minute;	
    	//Look through the departure time array and find the value that
         //is closest to the time entered by the user.
        min_difference = 100000;
        for (i = 0; i < length; i++)
            // Difference between user's time and flight time today.
            difference1 = abs(time_in_minutes - departure_times[i]);
            if (difference1 < min_difference)
                min_difference = difference1;
                best_index = i;
            // Difference between user's time and flight time previous day.
            difference2 = abs(time_in_minutes - (departure_times[i]  - 60*24));
            if (difference2 < min_difference)
                min_difference = difference2;
                best_index = i;
            // Difference between user's time and flight time next day.
            difference3 = abs(time_in_minutes - (departure_times[i] + 60*24));
            if (difference3 < min_difference)
                min_difference = difference3;
                best_index = i;

    Does anyone know how to write pointers in the (void) Function. Also how store time inside the pointers.

  2. #2
    and the Hat of Guessing tabstop's Avatar
    Join Date
    Nov 2007
    What do you mean by "write pointers in the function"? If intptr is a pointer-to-int, you can store an int at the address pointed to by writing *intptr = 43.

  3. #3
    Registered User
    Join Date
    Oct 2008
    I mean declaring and calling a pointer under the void find_closest_flight(int desired_time, int *departure_time, int *arrival_time) seen in my example.

  4. #4
    and the Hat of Guessing tabstop's Avatar
    Join Date
    Nov 2007
    You declare a pointer the same as any other variable: type first, then name. You cannot call a pointer, just as you cannot call any other variable. Edit: And this
    	departure_time = &departure_time;
    	arrival_time = &arrival_time;
    is a really bad idea.

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