I'm trying to pass a filename to another function called first. But I keep getting the error "char *[50] not compatible with char *". The error is in the line "filename = strtok(....)". But I don't know how to fix it.

This is just a section of a function called main:

cmdptr =  strtok( cmdline, " " );		//retrieves first word/token in command line
if ( strcmp(cmdptr ,firststring) == 0) {   //firststring is just a string used to compare
			numptr = strtok( NULL, " ");	  //retrieves num

			num = atoi(numptr);	//converts string to int	
   /*ERROR HERE BUT WHY?*/ filename = strtok( NULL, " "); //retrieves filename
			first( num, filename );			//execute FIRST function

filename is declared as " char *filename[50]; " as a global.