#include <stdio.h>

int add(int x, int y);  /* declare function */

int main() {
  int x=6, y=9;
  int (*ptr)(int, int); /* declare pointer to function*/

  ptr = add; /* set pointer to point to "add" function */

  printf("%d plus %d equals %d.\n", x, y, (*ptr)(x,y));
  /* call function using pointer */ 
  return 0;

int add(int x, int y) { /* function definition */
 return x+y;
in this line
int (*ptr)(int, int);
i can see that they are building an int type pointer but i can see here the name
of the function "add" which we are using ,plus this makes no sense (int, int);
usually when we build a function we write some names to the input integers like
add(int x,int y)

in this line:
ptr = add;
they treat add as if it was a simple variable and the is no &

i think it should look like
*ptr = &add(int x,int y);
