Hey guys,
thought I would get back to the forum to show the solutions that I came up with in case other people have similar problems. The problem that I was having with the empty file was because I was not actually testing for the empty file before I processed it so i added this code
if (fscanf(inputStream,"%s", storeEOF) == EOF) {
and another problem that I discovered it that DJGPP would compile but not run the program due to memory problems. This was because my bubble sort algorithm was not quite correct. originally I had this:

/ bubble sort algorithm
    for (i=0; i < ARRAY_LENGTH; i++) { 
        for (j=0; j < ARRAY_LENGTH; j++) {
            if (((events[j].date.month) > (events[j+1].date.month)) ||
               ((events[j].date.month) == (events[j+1].date.month)) &&
               ((events[j].date.day) > (events[j+1].date.day))) {
               tempEvent = events[j];
               events[j] = events[j+1];
               events[j+1] = tempEvent;
            } // end of if
        } //end of inner j for loop
    } // end of outer i loop
So i changed it to this

for (i=0; i < numEvents-1; i++) {
        for (j=0; j < numEvents-1; j++) {
                  if (((events[j].date.month) > (events[j+1].date.month)) ||
                  ((events[j].date.month) == (events[j+1].date.month)) &&
                  ((events[j].date.day) > (events[j+1].date.day))) {
                       tempEvent = events[j];
                       events[j] = events[j+1];
                       events[j+1] = tempEvent;
                  } // end of if
        } //end of inner j for loop
    } // end of outer i for loop
it seemed that the bubble sort was running off the end of the array. I had declared and array of ARRAY_SIZE and was looping through this array instead I should have been looping through ARRAY_SIZE-1