How can I pass an array of pointers? Please help... here's a piece of my code...

typedef struct node1 {
	int cell;
	struct node *prev;
	struct node *next;	
} box;

typedef struct node2 {
	char name[10];
	cell *move;
} player;

void play(box *tail) {
	player *p[i];
        int n = 5; //...n can be changed by the user..
 //..more codes...
        for(i = 0; i < n; i++) {
		p[i] = (player *)malloc(sizeof(player));
        p[i]->move = tail;
//..more codes...

          displayBoard(tail,p[i]->move->cell, *p); //.. I will pass the array of pointers p to displayBoard
//..more codes...

void displayBoard(box *a, int cell, player *p){ //how can I pass p properly to this function?
	//..more codes...