Thread: How can you make a parent process wait for a child? I'm gettin a seg fault.

  1. #1
    Registered User
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    Unhappy How can you make a parent process wait for a child? I'm gettin a seg fault.

    Hi guys,

    For some reason my application is doing a seg fault when I tell the parent to wait for the child to be done with the process.
    Here is the output:
    andorian 73% pr5 -a 3 -s 10 -c 1

    child_alarm_time = 3
    child_processes = 1
    child_sleep_time = 10
    Installed SIGALRM, SIGINIT,SIGCHLD signals
    18740: Tue Oct 14 02:57:45 2008 alarm signal received
    18740: Tue Oct 14 02:57:48 2008 alarm signal received
    18740: Tue Oct 14 02:57:51 2008 alarm signal received
    18740: Tue Oct 14 02:57:52 2008 here is child 0
    18740: Tue Oct 14 02:57:52 2008 Killing this child process. 0
    18739: Tue Oct 14 02:57:52 2008 child signal received - ignored
    Segmentation fault

    I also get the seg fault if I do the following:
    pr5 -c 1
    pr5 -c 2

    Here is my code
    static void Sleep(int alarm_time_interval, int total_sleep_time)
    	int remaining_sleep_time = total_sleep_time;
    	while (remaining_sleep_time > 0)
    		if (alarm_time_interval > 0)
    		{ alarm(alarm_time_interval); }
    		remaining_sleep_time = sleep(remaining_sleep_time);
    /* The functions in this section are intended to demonstrate various usages and
    * properties of signals and signal handlers.  They should be removed or modified
    * in the final version of the program.
    static void generic_signal_handler(int sig)
    	print_message_1("generic_signal_handler, signal", sig);
    static void SIGALRM_handler(int sig)
    	if (sig == SIGALRM)
    	{ print_message("alarm signal received"); }
    	{ print_message_1("serious error: SIGALRM_handler, received signal", sig); }
    static void SIGINT_handler(int sig)
    	if (sig == SIGINT)
    	{ print_message("interrupt signal received - ignored"); }
    	{ print_message_1("serious error: SIGINT_handler, received signal", sig); }
    static void SIGCHLD_hanlder(int sig)
    	if(sig == SIGCHLD)
    	{ print_message("child signal received - ignored"); }
    	{ print_message_1("serious error: SIGCHLD_handler, received signal", sig); }
    #ifndef NSIG
    #define NSIG 64
    static int generic_signal_handler_installed[NSIG];
    /* signal 0 is reserved
    * the default handlers for SIGKILL and SIGSTOP cannot be replaced
    /* try to replace every default signal handler */
    static void signal_setup(void)
    	/* int i, ret;
    	for (i = 0; i < NSIG; i++)
    	ret = install_signal_handler(i, generic_signal_handler);
    	generic_signal_handler_installed[i] = (ret == 0);
    	printf("Installed SIGALRM, SIGINIT,SIGCHLD signals\n");
    	//just set up these 3 signal handlers
    	install_signal_handler(SIGALRM, SIGALRM_handler);
    	install_signal_handler(SIGINT, SIGINT_handler);
    int main(int argc, char *argv[])
    	//set up the signal handlers
    	//check to see if no arguments were passed, if there weren't then don't
    	//create any children
    	//fork children based on what is passed through the command line
    	pid_t child_pid;
    	//holds an array of the child processes so the parent can wait for them.
    	pid_t child_array[MAX_CHILDREN];
    	int CHILD_STAT;
    	//print_process_table("Table before forking.");
    	//creating processes
    	for(int i =0; i < child_processes; i++)
    		child_pid = fork();
    		child_array[i] = child_pid;
    		if(child_pid == (pid_t)(-1))
    			//this is the parent process.  The fork failed, and there is no child
    			print_message_error("fork()", strerror(errno));
    		else if(child_pid == 0)
    			//this is a child process.  The fork worked
    			//checking to see if alarm/sleep flags were set
    			if(a_flag || s_flag)
    			print_message_1("here is child ",i);
    			print_message_1("Killing this child process.",i);
    			//print_message("here is the parent, all children created.");
    			//if this flag is set, then set the parent alarm/sleep 
    			if(b_flag || t_flag)
    				//set alarm
    				//printf("set the alarm: %d set sleep: %d for the process: %d\n",parent_alarm_time,parent_sleep_time,getpid());
    			//this is a parent process.  The fork worked
    			//add more code but do not exit yet
    			//Wait for the child process to be done
    			//update the process table
    			//printf("added child process %d\n", child_pid);
    			//print_process_table("Table after inserting the process in parent.");
    			//print_process_table("Parent calling this again");
    	//tried this didn't work 
    	/*for(int i = 0; i < child_processes; i++)
    	print_message("here is the parent, all children created");
    	if(b_flag || t_flag)
    		//set alarm
    		//printf("set the alarm: %d set sleep: %d for the process: %d",parent_alarm_time,parent_sleep_time,getpid());
    	return EXIT_SUCCESS;

    So basically I'm getting this when I try to create a 1 or more child processes and I tell the parent to wait for the child to be done, so the wait_child is where the error has to be at and I"m not sure why.

    My guess is that I'm killing the process and then asking it to wait for a dead process?

    Here is what the child_wait process looks like:
    #include <errno.h>
    /* for waitpid(2) and wait(2) */
    #include <sys/types.h>
    #include <sys/wait.h>
    #include "pr5_wait.h"
    /* wait for a child process whose pid you know
     * return 1 if a child was found
     *    *child_status has been updated, and the child has terminated
     * return 0 if no child was found
     *    *child_status has not been updated
    int wait_child(pid_t wait_pid, int *child_status)
      int s;
      /* loop because waitpid() can be interrupted by a signal and return early */
      while (waitpid(wait_pid, &s, 0) == (pid_t)(-1))
          if (errno == ECHILD)		/* no more children */
            { return 0; }
      *child_status = s;
      return 1;
    /* wait for a child process whose pid you do not know
     *    if more than one child has terminated, report only one
     * return 1 if a child was found
     *    *wait_pid and *child_status have been updated, and the child has terminated
     * return 0 if no child was found
     *    *wait_pid and *child_status have not been updated
    int wait_any_child(pid_t *wait_pid, int *child_status)
      pid_t w;
      int s;
      /* loop because wait() can be interrupted by a signal and return early */
      while ((w = wait(&s)) == (pid_t)(-1))
          if (errno == ECHILD)		/* no more children */
            { return 0; }
      *wait_pid = w;
      *child_status = s;
      return 1;

    That code is correct, I"m just using it wrong I think.

    Any help would be great.

  2. #2
    and the hat of int overfl Salem's Avatar
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    This compiles without errors?

    int CHILD_STAT;
    int wait_child(pid_t wait_pid, int *child_status)

    As in, the function expects a POINTER, and you don't pass one.
    If you dance barefoot on the broken glass of undefined behaviour, you've got to expect the occasional cut.
    If at first you don't succeed, try writing your phone number on the exam paper.

  3. #3
    spurious conceit MK27's Avatar
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    segmentation fault
    I've been learning about fork() lately and here's too really short examples (one that works and one that doesn't, but may seem to).

    Example #1: Using signal handler
    #include <stdio.h>
    #include <signal.h>
    void handler () {
    	puts("child done!");
    int main() {
    	short int i;
    	pid_t parent=getpid(), child;
    	if (fork()==0) {
    	for (i=0;i<5;i++) {sleep(1);puts("...");
    	puts("parent done");
    child done!
    parent done

    Example #2: Using return value

    #include <stdio.h>
    short int forkchild () {
    	if (fork()==0) {
    		return 1;}
    	else return 0;
    int main () {
    	short int retv=forkchild(),i;
    	if (retv==1) {puts("child done");return;}
    	for (i=0;i<5;i++) {sleep(1);puts("...");}
    	puts("parent done");
    child done
    parent done

    A useful element of example #2 is how the child is prevented from running main again when it returns (this had me looped for a while; try removing the red return).

    fflush() in the first example is not totally necessary but it may prevent the "put" lines from appearing after a delay or all at once.
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  4. #4
    Registered User
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    thanks the solution was to add wait_any_child rather than use wait_child

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