I'm relatively new to C and I was pretty sure I had a decent understanding of pointers and how they are used. However, I was just playing around with the concept of Pass by Reference and came across a bit of a delima. Hopefully someone can help explain this to me....

I have 2 small programs to test my knowledge of pass by reference and I wanted them both to have the same results however they do not:

Program 1
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>

int main(){

 char* hostname= (char*)calloc(10, sizeof(hostname));
 hostname = "unchanged";
 printf("Address of hostname = %d\n", &hostname);
 printf("Hostname: %s\n", hostname);
 return 0;


someFunction(char** s){

   printf("s = %d\n", s);
   printf("Address of s = %d\n", &s);
   printf("*(&s) = %d\n", *(&s));
   *s = "changed";
Program 2

#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>

int main(){
 char* hostname = (char*)calloc(10, sizeof(hostname));
 hostname = "unchanged";
 printf("Address of hostname = %d\n", &hostname);
 printf("Hostname: %s\n", hostname);
 return 0;

someFunction(char* s){

   printf("s = %d\n", s);
   printf("Address of s = %d\n", &s);
   printf("*(&s) = %d\n", *(&s));
   *(&s) = "changed";

The results of Program 1 gives me what I expected which was hostname being changed to "change":

Address of hostname = -1073845548
s = -1073845548
Address of s = -1073845584
*(&s) = -1073845548
Hostname: changed

The results of Program 2 do not give me what I expected. Can someone please tell my why hostname does not get "changed" in this example?

Address of hostname = -1074574892
s = -1074574892
Address of s = -1074574928
*(&s) = -1074574892
Hostname: unchanged