Okay, so in AIX, there are various subroutines that is built in to the OS. The subroutine is I want to use is passwdpolicy(). So I want to construct a C program that will be able to pass credentials into the program and thusly into the subroutine.

I'm not asking for homework, or for someone to do it. All I'm asking is how do I USE the subroutine. Here is the subroutine:

#include <pwdpolicy.h>
int passwdpolicy (const char *name, int type, const char *old_password,
const char *new_password, time64_t last_update);

Now. Let's say I want to test the password for the user testy, with an old password of a1s2d3f4 and a new password of q1w2e3r4.

Here is the link to the subroutine, via IBM: IBM Systems Information Center

I have no idea how to construct this. Basically in the subroutine you have to pass some variables: username, password, old password etc.

Here is the documentation on it: http://publib.boulder.ibm.com/infoce...sswdpolicy.htm

Can anyone help me out?