Hi! I'm currently taking computer science one and I am very confused. I have to write a program with several different modules and I believe that I have the structure of the code right, but I keep getting the same compile errors over and over again. So, if anyone would be willing to help me figure out what the compile errors are i would greatly appreciate it.

The errors I continuously get are that there is a syntax error before the word "sum".
And that in the function display "num1" and "num2" are undeclared.

I'm sorry if this seems very simple, I'm just very new at this and don't really understand a lot of what I'm doing. I would really appreciate any tips/advice/assistance that could be offered.

Here is my code:
#include <stdio.h>
void getinput (int* pnum1, int* pnum2);
int calc (int num1, int num2);
void calcintops (int num1, int num2);
void doubleops (int num1, int num2);
int division (int num1, int num2);
void display (int num1, int num2, sum, quotient, remainder, half_num1,
half_num2, fraction, division);
int main (void)
     int num1,num2;
     int sum;
     double half_num1, half_num2;
     int quotient;
     int remainder;
     double fraction;
     int algebra;
     return 0;
void getInput (int* pnum1, int* pnum2)
     printf("\nName: Lauryn Philpot\n\n");
     printf("\nPlease enter two integers, num1 and num2: ");
     scanf("%d%d, pnum1, pnum2");
void calcintops (int num1, int num2)
     int sum;
     int quotient;
     int remainder;

     sum = num1 + num2;
     quotient= num1 / num2;  
     remainder = num1 % num2;
void doubleops (int num1, int num2)
     double half_num1;
     double half_num2;
     double fraction;
     half_num1 = (double)num1 / 2;
     half_num2 = (double)num2 / 2;
     fraction = (double)num1 / (double)num2;
int division (int num1, int num2)
     int division;
     division = 2*num1 + 4*num2 + num1*num2 - num1 / num2;
void display (int num1, int num2, sum, quotient, remainder, half_num1,
half_num2, fraction, division)
   printf("\n%20s%20d", "The value of num1 is %d", num1);
   printf("\n%20s%20d", "The value of num2 is %d", num2);
   printf("\n%20s%20d", "The sum is %d + %d", num1, num2);
   printf("\n%20s%20f", "The half value is %d / 2", num1);
   printf("\n%20s%20f", "The half value is 2 * %d / 2", num2);
   printf("\n%20s%20d", "The quotient is 2 * %d / %d", num1, num2);
   printf("\n%20s%20d", "The remainder is %d % %d", num1, num2);
   printf("\n%20s%20f", "The fraction value is 2 * %d / 2 * %d ", num1, num2);
   printf("\n20s%20s",  "The value of divisions is ", num1, num2); 
