Thread: Please Help

  1. #1
    Registered User
    Join Date
    Sep 2005

    Please Help

    Hello I wrote this program to except user input parameters for a complex number in polar from then convert them to a + jb format. But I used the cos() function in the math.h libbary and it keeps giving me the answer in radians not in dergees. For example if I input the paratmerers Z=1 and Theta=90 it should return 0+1j but it does'nt it gives me -0.448074+51.222233j instead. Can someone please point out to me where I am making a mistake and how to fix it.
    Thank you.

    int main()
        float Real, Complex, Z, Theta;
        float pi;
        pi = 3.141592654;
        printf("Please enter Z: ");
        printf("Please enter theta: ");
        Real = Z*(cos(Theta));   
        Complex = sin(Theta)*(180/pi);
        if(Real > 0 && Complex > 0)
                printf("The number is %f+%fj \n", Real, Complex);
        if(Real > 0 && Complex < 0)
                printf("The number is %f%fj \n", Real, Complex);
        if(Real < 0 && Complex > 0)
                printf("The number is %f+%fj \n", Real, Complex);
        if(Real < 0 && Complex < 0)
                printf("The number is %f%fj \n", Real, Complex);
        return 0;

  2. #2
    and the Hat of Guessing tabstop's Avatar
    Join Date
    Nov 2007
    You said what the problem was: your angle is in degrees and cos() expects radians. So convert Theta to radians before trying to do cos() and sin().

  3. #3
    Registered User
    Join Date
    Sep 2008
    Toronto, Canada
    You're converting the result of sin() - Complex = sin(Theta)*(180/pi);... That looks like a radians-to-degrees conversion but it's in the wrong place. And the wrong way around. The degrees-to-radians conversion should be made of the Theta argument to sin and cos.
    Last edited by nonoob; 10-05-2008 at 11:56 AM.

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