If anyone can take a couple minutes to help me out it would be greatly appreciated. Right now, the counters for the frequency of the phrase "ing" in the beginning, middle, and end of a word are well into the thousands, even if "ing" isn't even present in the input. It might not be that big of a problem, I'm just really new to this and trying to figure it out.
 char current,char1,char2,char3,char4,char5;
 int anum,num,letter,wcount,starting,ending,middle,ingcount,anum3count,prevalue;   //   variable types
 anum = 0;
 num = 0;      // variable values
 letter = 0;
 wcount = 1;
 char1 = '#';
 char2 = '#';   // set all char variables to '#' so that they fill in one at a time
 char3 = '#';
 char4 = '#';
 char5 = '#';
 printf("Enter text ending with a '#' symbol. \n");
 scanf("%c",&current);   //reads the first one
 if (current == ' ')
    prevalue = current;
 while (current != '#')      //one while loop to test for everything
   if ((current >= '.') && (current <= '~'))      //searches alphanumeric characters
     anum +=1;   
   if ((current >='0') && (current <='9'))      // if the ASCII code signifies a number
     num +=1;
   if ((current >= 'A') && (current <= 'z'))    // if the ASCII code signifies a letter
     letter += 1;     // adds one letter
   if (char1 == '#')
     char1 = current;
         if (char2 == '#')
            char2 = current;
                if (char3 == '#')
                   char3 = current;
                       if (char4 == '#')
                          char4 = current;
                              if (char5 == '#')
                                 char5 = current;
   if ((char1 == 'i') && (char2 == 'n') && (char3 == 'g'))   //searches for frequency of 'ing', stores in 'ingcount'
      ingcount += 1;
   if ((char1 == ' ') && (char2 == 'i') && (char3 == 'n') && (char4 == 'g'))  //searches for words that start with 'ing', stores in 'starting'
      starting += 1;
   if ((char1 == 'i') && (char2 == 'n') && (char3 == 'g') && (char4 == ' '))   //searches for words that end with 'ing', stores in 'ending'
      ending += 1;
   if ((char1 != ' ') && (char2 == 'i') && (char3 == 'n') && (char4 == 'g') && (char5 != ' '))   //searches for words that have 'ing' in them, stores in 'middle'
      middle += 1;     
   if ((char1 >= '.') && (char1 <= '~'))
      if ((char2 >= '.') && (char2 <= '~'))       //searches for three alphanumerics in a row
         if ((char3 >= '.') && (char3 <= '~'))
            anum3count += 1;        //if it finds a set of three, it adds one to the counter
   char1 = char2;
   char2 = char3;             //shifts the values of the variables for the next loop
   char3 = char4;
   char4 = char5;
   scanf("%c",&current);      //reads the next one
   if (char5 != '#')
      char5 = current;    //sets char5 to the new variable since the rest were moved back one.
   if ((prevalue == ' ') && (current != ' '))
      wcount += 1;    //checks to see if there is a space and then a non-space character (start of a new word)
   if (current == ' ')
      prevalue = current;    // if current is a space