I am programming a program that will convert a string (char) into it's ASCII value, I am having one issue though. The output is correct but I get a value of " 10 " at the end of the output every single time I run the program ? Any thoughts on why this might be ? I am newer to C , for what it is worth. Thank you all in advance for any suggestions!!

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <ctype.h>

const int size = 50;

int main()
    char word[size];
    int x = 0;
    printf ("Please enter a line of text ( Max 25 characters) or 'Q' or 'q' to quit:\n\n");
    fgets(word, size, stdin);

    while (word[x] != '\0')    
        printf ("The ASCII for this word is:  %d%\n\n",word[x]);    
   for( x = 0; x < 1; x++)
        printf("%c", toupper(word[0]));
        printf("%c", tolower(word[1]));
        printf("%c", toupper(word[2]));
        printf("%c", tolower(word[3]));
        printf("%c", toupper(word[4]));
        printf("%c", tolower(word[5]));
        printf("%c", toupper(word[6]));
        printf("%c", tolower(word[7]));
        printf("%c", toupper(word[8]));
        printf("%c", tolower(word[9]));
        printf("%c", toupper(word[10]));
        printf("%c", tolower(word[11]));
        printf("%c", toupper(word[12]));
        printf("%c", tolower(word[13]));
        printf("%c", toupper(word[14]));
        printf("%c", tolower(word[15]));
        printf("%c", toupper(word[16]));
        printf("%c", tolower(word[17]));
        printf("%c", toupper(word[18]));
        printf("%c", tolower(word[19]));
        printf("%c", toupper(word[20]));
        printf("%c", tolower(word[21]));
        printf("%c", toupper(word[22]));
        printf("%c", tolower(word[23]));
        printf("%c", toupper(word[24]));
        printf("%c", tolower(word[25]));

    return 0;
