Hi, I am a newbie in C, and I have just moved to the Structures Chapter in my text. This is the first program here.
int main() 
  struct book
    char name;
    float price;
    int pages;

  struct book b1,b2,b3;
  printf("\nEnter names, prices, and no. of pages of 3 books.\n\n");
  scanf("%c %f %d",&b1.name,&b1.price,&b1.pages);
  scanf("%c %f %d",&b2.name,&b2.price,&b2.pages);
  scanf("%c %f %d",&[b3.name,&b3.price,&b3.pages);

  printf("\n\nAnd this is what you have entered.\n\n");

  printf("\n%c %f %d",b1.name,b1.price,b1.pages);
  printf("\n%c %f %d",b2.name,b2.price,b2.pages);
  printf("\n%c %f %d",b3.name,b3.price,b3.pages);
  return 0;
And the output:
Enter names, prices, and no. of pages of 3 books.

A 100 100
B 100 100

And this is what you have entered.

A 100.000000 100

 -0.000029 134518560
B 100.000000 100
The compiler(GCC here) takes in the values of only two struct variables b1 and b3. I don't think anything is wrong with my code as I have copied it from the text.