Taken from the advice on these boards I have been trying to do college assignments off of google to try and further my hobby. When making a linked list I am having trouble inserting data into my structure. I know that scanf needs its values to be passed by reference in order to modify them, however I am unsure of the syntax. I will link the relevant parts and comment the errors.
The structure
struct student {
       char * firstName;
       char * lastName;
       int code;
       char grade;
       struct student * nextPtr;
void insert(struct student ** theList)
     struct student * newEntry = (struct student *)malloc(sizeof(struct student));
     printf("First Name: ");
     scanf("%s", newEntry->firstName);
     printf("Last Name: ");
     scanf("%s", newEntry->lastName);
     printf("Grade: ");
     scanf("%c", newEntry->&grade); //Error
     printf("Course Code: ");
     scanf("%d", newEntry->&code); //Error
     if(*theList == NULL)
     *theList = newEntry;
Im not sure of the syntax to pass the memory address of an item in structure pointer. Thanks again.