Thread: deleting all files in a directory using c..

  1. #1
    Registered User
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    Cool deleting all files in a directory using c..'s a code i made to delete all files in a specified directory....

    int main()
    	system("cd c:\\test_dir");
    	system("del *.* -f -s -q");
    ...but sadly, it won't work, and i don't know why. Whenever i run the program it outputs:

    Too many parameters - -f

    ...i tried it in dos, it worked.. how come it won't work on c? there a way to delete all files in a directory using c? thanks in advance... ^.^

  2. #2
    Lurking whiteflags's Avatar
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    I would be surprised if it worked. My command prompt works like this:

    C:\Documents and Settings\JCK>cd foo

    C:\Documents and Settings\JCK\foo>del * /q

    C:\Documents and Settings\JCK\foo>cd ../

    C:\Documents and Settings\JCK>rmdir foo

    Leading me to believe you are using arguments your computer doesn't understand.
    And if this is all your program will do, then please acquaint yourself with some of the other options that will do this besides system.

  3. #3
    and the hat of int overfl Salem's Avatar
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    system("cd c:\\test_dir");
    Unfortunately, these create another process, and all that does is change directory in the sub-process (which then dies), leaving this process in the SAME directory.

    If you want to string lots of system() calls together, then write a batch file.
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  4. #4
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    ...if that's the case, then i would use the remove() function..

    i tried it in a test directory i made with some files in it, but still, it won't work...

  5. #5
    int x = *((int *) NULL); Cactus_Hugger's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ShadeS_07 View Post
    ...if that's the case, then i would use the remove() function..

    i tried it in a test directory i made with some files in it, but still, it won't work...
    That probably won't work for two reasons:
    1) remove() calls rmdir(), and the directory for rmdir() must be empty.
    2) There's likely no file/folder named *.*. You'll probably need to iterate through the directory yourself. (I doubt it'll fill the *.* part in for you.)
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  6. #6
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    Cool how am i going to delete all files in a directory? is there a way? thank you very much for the helps... ^.^

  7. #7
    Kernel hacker
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    I don't believe remove calls rmdir. However, remove will delete the filename specified, and if you don't have a file with the name "*.*", it won't work. If you want it semi-portable, you would have to find the files [there's a FAQ on finding files in a directory], then delete each file using remove or similar.

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