I have been working on a simple c program using miracle C as my compiler. I have been able to get to this point:
//// Brian Sirrine
//// POS 370

#include <stdio.h>
int main(void)
//// Define sales tax for locations
float DELMAR = .0725;
float ENCINITAS = .0750;
float LAJOLLA = .0775;

//// Define purchase price
float PURCHASE = 0.00;
//// Define a restart point
printf("***********************************************************************\n") ;
printf("            Kudler Fine Foods Purchase Price w/tax\n");
printf("***********************************************************************\n\n") ;
printf("Please type the purchase price and then press enter.\n\n");
scanf("%f", &PURCHASE);

//// Start of if statements
		printf("Please enter a number greater than Zero\n");
		//// This will redirect the program back to the Start:
		goto Start;
		////if (typeof(PURCHASE) == typeof(int))
			//// Display to the user the tax calculations from all three locations

			printf("***********************************************************************\n") ;
			printf("Purchase Price ----->	$%.2f\n" , (PURCHASE) ); 
			printf("Delmar's Tax   -----> +	$%.2f\n" , (DELMAR*PURCHASE) );
			printf("			=======\n") ;
			printf("Total With Tax ----->	$%.2f\n" , (DELMAR*PURCHASE)+PURCHASE );
			printf("***********************************************************************\n") ;
			printf("Purchase Price ----->	$%.2f\n" , (PURCHASE) ); 
			printf("Encinita's Tax -----> +	$%.2f\n" , (ENCINITAS*PURCHASE) );
			printf("			=======\n") ;
			printf("Total With Tax ----->	$%.2f\n" , (ENCINITAS*PURCHASE)+PURCHASE );
			printf("***********************************************************************\n") ;

			printf("\n") ;
			printf("Purchase Price ----->	$%.2f\n" , (PURCHASE) ); 
			printf("Lajolla's Tax  -----> +	$%.2f\n" , (LAJOLLA*PURCHASE) );
			printf("			=======\n") ;
			printf("Total With Tax ----->	$%.2f\n" , (LAJOLLA*PURCHASE)+PURCHASE );
			printf("***********************************************************************\n\n\n") ;

		printf("Press any key to quit") ;

return 0 ;
However, now I am trying to get a loop with a case statement for a menu prompt and this is where I stumble. Here is the code so far:
//// Brian Sirrine
//// POS 370

#include <stdio.h>
int main(void)
//// Define sales tax for locations
float DELMAR = .0725;
float ENCINITAS = .0750;
float LAJOLLA = .0775;

//// Define purchase price
float PURCHASE = 0.00;
//// Define a restart point
printf("***********************************************************************\n") ;
printf("            Kudler Fine Foods Purchase Price w/tax\n");
printf("***********************************************************************\n\n") ;
printf("Please type the purchase price and then press enter.\n\n");
printf("Press Q to End Program \n\n") ;
scanf("%f", &PURCHASE);

//// Start of Do While statement
if	(PURCHASE <=0.0)
	pintf("enter a number Greater than 0 \n") ;
	goto Start;
		if	(PURCHASE >=0)
		////if (typeof(PURCHASE) == typeof(int))
		char menu;
		printf("A: --> Delmar \n") ;
		printf("B: --> Encinitas \n") ;
		printf("C: --> LAJOLLA \n") ;
		printf("Choose a location. A, B, or C? \n");
		scanf(" %c", &menu);
		menu = toupper(menu);
		/* case */
		switch (menu)
				case 'A':	printf("You have selected A \n");
						printf("***********************************************************************\n") ;
						printf("Purchase Price ----->	$%.2f\n" , (PURCHASE) ); 
						printf("Delmar's Tax   -----> +	$%.2f\n" , (DELMAR*PURCHASE) );
						printf("			=======\n") ;
						printf("Total With Tax ----->	$%.2f\n" , (DELMAR*PURCHASE)+PURCHASE );
						printf("***********************************************************************\n") ;
				case 'B': 	printf("You have selected B \n");
						printf("Purchase Price ----->	$%.2f\n" , (PURCHASE) ); 
						printf("Encinita's Tax -----> +	$%.2f\n" , (ENCINITAS*PURCHASE) );
						printf("			=======\n") ;
						printf("Total With Tax ----->	$%.2f\n" , (ENCINITAS*PURCHASE)+PURCHASE );
						printf("***********************************************************************\n") ;
				case 'C': 	printf("You have selected C \n");
						printf("\n") ;
						printf("Purchase Price ----->	$%.2f\n" , (PURCHASE) ); 
						printf("Lajolla's Tax  -----> +	$%.2f\n" , (LAJOLLA*PURCHASE) );
						printf("			=======\n") ;
						printf("Total With Tax ----->	$%.2f\n" , (LAJOLLA*PURCHASE)+PURCHASE );
						printf("***********************************************************************\n\n\n") ;
				default: Printf("Invalid selection \n");
			/* end case */

		printf("Press any key to quit") ;

return 0 ;
I cant figure out where I am messing up. Any help would be great. Thanks