I wrote another program for homework that calculates 5 employees' weekly pay using parameter passing and pointers, but when I tried to compile the program I got the following errors:
'userInput' : cannot convert parameter 1 from 'char (*)[5][30]' to 'char []'
'printPay' : cannot convert parameter 1 from 'char (*)[5][30]' to 'char []'
I'm guessing the problem is with one of my pointers? I can't seem to figure out what exactly is wrong with my code though. Can anyone help?

#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h> 

// gets name and hourlyrate and hours worked from user
void userInput(char nameArray[], double hourlyRateArray[], double hoursWorkedArray[])
		int i;
		for (i=0; i<5; i++)
		printf("Enter name.\n");
		scanf("&#37;s", &nameArray[i]);
		printf("What is their hourly rate?\n");
		scanf("%f", &hourlyRateArray[i]);
		printf("How many hours did they work this week?\n");
		scanf("%f", &hoursWorkedArray[i]);

// calculates base,gross,overtime, and net pay
double calcPay (double hoursWorkedArray[], double hourlyRateArray[])
	double basePay[5], overTime[5], grossPay[5], netPay[5];
		int i;
		for (i=0; i<5; i++)
			if (hoursWorkedArray[i] > 40)
				basePay[i] = hourlyRateArray[i] * hoursWorkedArray[i];
				overTime[i] = (hoursWorkedArray[i] - 40) * 1.5 * hourlyRateArray[i];
				grossPay[i] = (hourlyRateArray[i]*40) + overTime[i];
				netPay[i] = (hourlyRateArray[i]*40) + overTime[i] - ((hourlyRateArray[i]*40) + overTime[i])*.2;
				basePay[i] = hourlyRateArray[i] * hoursWorkedArray[i];
				//taxesOwed[i] = (hourlyRateArray[i]*40) * .2;
				grossPay[i] = (hourlyRateArray[i]*40) * .8;
				overTime[i] = 0;
				netPay[i] = (hourlyRateArray[i]*40) + overTime[i] - ((hourlyRateArray[i]*40) + overTime[i])*.2;
				return basePay[i], grossPay[i], overTime[i], netPay[i];



// calculates taxes owed
double calcTax (double grossPay[])
	int i;
		for (i=0; i<5; i++)
			double taxPaid[5];

			taxPaid[i] = grossPay[i]*.2;

			return taxPaid[i];


//calculates the total amount paid to five emplorees
double totalPaid (double grossPay[])
		double totalPaid;
		totalPaid = grossPay[0] + grossPay[1] + grossPay[2] + grossPay[3] + grossPay[4];

		return totalPaid;

void printPay(char nameArray[], double hoursWorkedArray[], double hourlyRateArray[])
	int i;
	for (i=0; i<5; i++)
		printf("Pay to %s: \n", nameArray[i]);
		printf("Hours worked: %lf\n", hoursWorkedArray[i]);
		printf("Hourly rate: $%.2lf\n", hourlyRateArray[i]);
		printf(" Base pay: $%.2lf\n Gross pay: $%.2lf\n Gross pay: $%.2lf\n 
                Net pay: $%.2lf\n Taxes paid: $%.2lf\n", calcPay(hoursWorkedArray, hourlyRateArray));



int main(void)

	double hourlyRate[5], hoursWorked[5];
	char name[5][30];

	userInput(name, hoursWorked, hourlyRate);
	printPay(name, hoursWorked, hourlyRate);

	return 0;