Quote Originally Posted by guyfromfl View Post
to the point why not make a standard on dealing with strings in C much like QBasic did. what is the advantage of I/O and string handling that C does compared to (im gonna have to say it) the 'ease' (i didnt use power for a reason) of QBasic.

I'm all about freedom of the programmer to make their own at the same time re-re-re-reinvent the wheel..?

do we really have to make our own headers and what not to handle an array that QBasic does without thinking about it??

somebody please tell me what makes it worth ALL our whiles to treat a char sting as an array we have to run loops just to print it back to the screen where an old 'useless' language could do with 1 command.

not taking away from other powers of C just why is dealing "I hate old hamburgers" so hard to re print, compare, and generally deal with in C

sorry im stoopid but i hope you can explain why there is no standard to C strings that actually makes sense
You're looking at the wrong language. C was designed to be low level and portable. Therefore, it doesn't have many higher-level constructs such as strings.
What you need to look at is C++. It's today's C - a higher level language with the power of flexibility and speed of C, while all the while providing mechanisms for strings and the like.

Unless compiling for an embedded system where a C++ compiler is not available, you don't have to use C. You can use C++ and get all the bells and whistles that QBasic had while still reitaining the power of C.