Thread: Interpreter.c

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  1. #1
    Registered User
    Join Date
    May 2008


    #include <stdio.h>
    #include <stdlib.h>
    #include <ctype.h>
    #include <string.h>
    /* The Following is the grammar to be implemented:
    <http-url> ::= "http://"  <hostport> [ "/" <hpath> [ "?" <search> ]]
    <hpath> ::=  <hsegment>  * [ "/" <hsegment> ]
    <hsegment> ::= *[ <uchar> | ";" | ":" | "@" | "&" | "=" ]
    <search> ::= *[ <uchar> | ";" | ":" | "@" | "&" | "=" ]
    <hostport> ::= <host> [ ":" <port> ]
    <host> ::= <hostname> | <hostnumber>
    <hostname> ::= 1*[ <domainlabel> "." ] <toplabel>
    <hostnumber> ::= <digits> "." <digits> "." <digits> "." <digits>
    <port> ::= <digits>
    <domainlabel> ::= <alphadigit> | <alphadigit> *[ <alphadigit > | "-" ] <alphadigit>
    <toplabel> ::= <alpha> | <alpha> *[ <alphadigit> | "-" ] <alphadigit>
    <alphadigit> ::= <alpha> | <digit>
    <ftp-url> ::= "ftp://" <login> [ "/" <fpath> [ ";type=" <ftptype> ]]
    <fpath> ::= <fsegment> *[ "/" <fsegment> ]
    <fsegment> ::= *[ <uchar> | "?" | ":" | "@" | "&" | "=" ]
    <ftptype> ::= "A" | "I" | "D" | "a" | "i" | "d"
    <login> ::= [ <user> [ ":" <password> ] "@" ] <hostport>
    <user> = *[ <uchar> | ";" | "?" | "&" | "=" ]
    <password> = *[ <uchar> | ";" | "?" | "&" | "=" ]
    <uchar> ::= <unreserved> | <escape>
    <unreserved> ::= <alpha> | <digit> | <safe> | <extra>
    <alpha> ::= <lowalpha> | <hialpha>
    <lowalpha> ::= "a" | "b" | "c" | "d" | "e" | "f" | "g" | "h" |"i" | "j" | "k" | "l" | "m" | "n" | "o" | "p" |
    "q" | "r" | "s" | "t" | "u" | "v" | "w" | "x" |"y" | "z"
    <hialpha> ::= "A" | "B" | "C" | "D" | "E" | "F" | "G" | "H" | "I" |"J" | "K" | "L" | "M" | "N" | "O" | "P" | "Q" | "R" |
    "S" | "T" | "U" | "V" | "W" | "X" | "Y" | "Z"
    <digit> ::= "0" | "1" | "2" | "3" | "4" | "5" | "6" | "7" |"8" | "9"
    <digits> ::= 1*[<digit>]
    <safe> ::= "$" | "-" | "_" | "." | "+"
    <extra> ::= "!" | "*" | "'" | "(" | ")" | ","
    <escape> ::= "%" <hex> <hex>
    <reserved> ::= ";" | "/" | "?" | ":" | "@" | "&" | "="
    <hex> ::= <digit> | "A" | "B" | "C" | "D" | "E" | "F" |
    // Declaring the methods to be used
    void httpUrl(void); void hpath(void); void hsegment(void); void search(void);
    void hostport(void); void host(void); void hostname(void); void hostnumber(void);
    void port(void); void domainlabel(void); void toplabel(void);
    int alphadigit(char c); int uchar(void);
    void ftpUrl(void); void fpath(void); 
    void fsegment(void); void ftptype(void); void login(void); 
    void user(void); void password(void); int unreserved(char c);
    int alpha(char c); int lowalpha(char c); int hialpha(char c); int digit(char c) ;
    int digits(char *c); int safe(char c); int extra(char c); int escape(void);
    int reserved(char c); int hex(void);
    void scan(void); void error(char *n);
    int level = 0; // for the "primitive" parse tree
    int read;
    char *url, *next; // saving url string, and "next" scan through it
    // Declaring  "primitive" parse tree methods
    void enter(char *name); void leave(char *name); void spaces(int local_level); 
    FILE *fw;
    FILE *fw1;
    int main(void)
    		url = (char*) malloc(1000); // allocating memory for url string
    		printf("\n\n\nInput(0 to quit): "); // telling user to enter input
    		scan(); // scanning input and saving into url (more info in scan())
    		next = url; // setting next to url[0]
    		if(*next != '0') // in case user decides to quit
    			fw = fopen("Parse_Tree.txt","w");   // open the file to WRITE in it the URL and the parse tree			
    			fprintf(fw, "\n%s\n\n", next);		// use fprintf to write the url in the text file
    			fprintf(fw, "\n");					// print new line in the text file
    			if(*next == 'h') // if url starts with an 'h'
    				httpUrl();   // then http potential
    			if(*next == 'f') // if url starts with an 'f'
    				ftpUrl();	 // then ftp potential
    				error("Must start with \"http://\" or \"ftp://\"."); // obvious error
    			fclose(fw);							//close the writing file when finish writing the parse tree
    			fw1 = fopen("Parse_Tree.txt","r");	//Now open the reading file in order to read the parse tree and print it out to the screen if the url is correct 
    			while((read = getc(fw1)) != EOF)
    				printf("%c", read);	
    			printf("\t\t\t\t   SUCCESS!!\n"); // notify user with the validity of the URL
    		if(fw1 != NULL) // incase file was not opened
    			fclose(fw1);							//Close the reading file after finishing
    	}while(*next != '0'); // looping for user friendly interface
    	fw1 = fopen("Parse_Tree.txt","w");			//Reopen the writing file inorder to print empty character inorder to emptify the file
    	fprintf(fw1, "");							
    	fclose(fw);									//Close
    	printf("\t\t\t\t  Disconnecting...\n\n"); // likewise    
    //<http-url> ::= "http://"  <hostport>  [ "/" <hpath> [ "?" <search> ]]
    void httpUrl(void)
    	enter("httpUrl"); // for parse tree
    	if(strncmp(url, "http://", 7) != 0) // checking for "http://"
    		error("Must start with \"http://\".");	// if not found then error
    	next = url+7; // skipping "http://" since already dealt with
    	hostport(); // hostport is now expected
    	if(*next == '/') // if '/' expected
    		next++; // then skip it
    		hpath(); // and expect an hpath
    	else // if no '/' was found, then must have encountered end of url
    	if(*next != '\0') // otherwise error
    		error("	Hostport can only be follwed by a \"/\".");
    	if(*next == '?') // after hpath might encounter '?'
    		next++; // if encountered then skip it
    		search(); // search grammar now expected
    	else // if no '?' was found, then must have enocountered end of url
    	if(*next != '\0') // if not end of url
    		error("hpath can only be followed by a ?."); // print an error
    	if(*next == '\0') // after all functions have been run safely
    		leave("httpUrl"); // close parse-tree
    //<hostport> ::= <host> [ ":" <port> ]
    void hostport(void)
    	enter("hostport"); // start parse-tree
    	host(); // calling mandatory host call
    	if(*next == ':') // incase ':' encountered
    		next++; //skip it
    		port(); // port is expected
    	leave("hostport"); // close parse-tree
    //<host> ::= <hostname> | <hostnumber>
    void host(void)
    	char *c = strrchr(url, '.'); // checking for rightmost '.'
    	enter("host"); // start parse-tree
    	if(c != NULL) // as long as we have a '.' then we're good
    		if(isdigit(*(++c))) // checking character after rightmost '.'
    			hostnumber();   // if is digit then we have a host number
    			hostname();		// else we have a host name
    		error("\tNo Domain Label Detected."); // if no '.' was found then Error 
    	leave("host"); // exiting parse-tree
    //<hostname> ::= 1*[ <domainlabel> "." ] <toplabel>
    void hostname(void)
    	char *s, *d; // char pointers 
    	enter("hostname"); // starting parse tree
    		s = strchr(next, '/'); // pointer to next '/' in the remaining string
    		d = strchr(next, '.'); // pointer to next '.' in the remaining string
    		if(s < d && (s != NULL)) // If no '.' available before the first '/'
    			error(" No Domain Label Present."); // then print error
    		if(s == NULL) // if no '/' available then keep loopin below till no more '.'s available
    			while(d != NULL) // loop while '.' is found
    				domainlabel(); // expecting domain label
    				next++; // skipping the next dot ('.')
    				d = strchr(next, '.'); // looking for next '.'
    		else // if a '/' has been found
    			while(s > d && d != NULL) // then make sure only '.'s before the '/' are accounted for
    				domainlabel(); // domain label expected
    				next++; // skipping the next dot ('.')
    				s = strchr(next, '/');
    				d = strchr(next, '.'); //updating the dot ('.')
    		toplabel(); // after last '.' has been read, then head to toplabel
    	leave("hostname"); // closing parse tree
    //<hostnumber> ::= <digits> "." <digits> "." <digits> "." <digits>
    void hostnumber(void)
    	char *temp, *p; // local char pointers
    	int ptNum = 0; // point numbers to keep track of how many points encountered so far
    	enter("hostnumber"); // start parse-tree
    	//while none of the following is encountered loop for next number
    	while((*next != ':') && (*next != '/') && (*next != '\0'))
    		temp = next; // saving next's current location
    		if(strchr(next, '.')) // as long as a dot is found
    			ptNum++; // incremebt dot counter
    			while(*next != '.')
    				next++; // skip all characters till next loop
    		else // otherwise, then end portion of the host number has been reached
    			while((*next != ':') && (*next != '/') && (*next != '\0'))
    				next++; // skip its characters
    		p  = (char*) malloc(next-temp); // allocate enough space for p, to copy all skipped 'next' characters
    		strncpy(p, temp, next-temp); // copying all skipped host number character
    		p[next-temp] = '\0'; // end of string to avoid any errors
    		if(digits(p) != 0 && ((*next) != '/')) // checking p for valid host number grammar
    			error("Host Number may only contain Digits."); // if not then print error
    		if(ptNum > 3) // condition to limit hostnumber to three dots
    			error("Host Number cannot contain more than 3 dots (\".\").");
    		if((*next != '\0') && (*next != ':') && (*next != '/')) //skipping next dot
    	if(ptNum < 3) // handling cases where hostnumber contains less than 3 dots
    		error("Host Number cannot contain less than 3 dots (\".\").");
    	leave("hostnumber"); // closing parse tree
    //<port> ::= <digits>
    void port(void)
    	char *temp, *p; // local pointer variables
    	enter("port"); // starting tree parser
    	temp = next; // saving "next's" current position for later use
    	while((*next != '\0') && (*next != '/')) // loop while not end of string nor '/'
    		next++; // skip character
    	p  = (char*) malloc(next-temp); // allocate enough space to save from temp -> next
    	strncpy(p, temp, next-temp); // copying the skipped characters
    	p[next-temp] = '\0'; // closing string
    	if(digits(p) != 0) // making sure port is digit only array
    			error("Port may only contain Digits."); // else throw error
    	leave("port"); // exiting parse tree
    //<hpath> ::= [ <hsegment> ] * [ "/" <hsegment> ]
    void hpath(void)
    	enter("hpath"); // enter parse tree
    	if((*next != '?') && (*next != '\0')) // if hpath is not empty
    		hsegment(); // then hsegment expected
    	while(*next == '/') // taking care of the 0 or more other hsegments
    		next++; // skipping '/'
    		hsegment(); // expecting hsegment
    	leave("hpath"); // exiting parse tree
     //hsegment> ::= *[ <uchar> | ";" | ":" | "@" | "&" | "=" ]
    void hsegment(void)
    	enter("hsegment"); // starting parse tree
    	while((*next != '?') &&  (*next != '/') && (*next != '\0')) // making sure only hsegment is scanned
    		if((*next != ';') &&  (*next != ':') && (*next != '@') && (*next != '&') && (*next != '=')) // Checking Validity
    			if(uchar() != 0) // likewise
    				error("hsegment contains Illegal characters."); // If Illegal then error
    		next++; // skipping the character just checked
    	leave("hsegment"); // closing parse tree
     //<search> ::= *[ <uchar> | ";" | ":" | "@" | "&" | "=" ]
    void search(void)
    	enter("search"); // starting parse tree
    	while((*next != '\0')) // check while not end of string
    		if((*next != ';') &&  (*next != ':') && (*next != '@') && (*next != '&') && (*next != '=')) // Check Validity
    			if(uchar() != 0) // likewise
    				error("search contains illegal Characters."); // else error
    		next++; // skippin the character just checked
    	leave("search"); // exiting parse tree
    //<domainlabel> ::= <alphadigit> | <alphadigit> *[ <alphadigit > | "-" ] <alphadigit>
    void domainlabel(void)
    	enter("domainlabel"); // starting parse tree
    	if(alphadigit(*next) != 0) // has to be ATLEAST one alpha or digit
    		error("Domain Labels can only contain Alphabets & Digits."); // else error
    	next++; // skipping the character just checked
    	while(*next != '.') // taking care of the maybe repetitive '-' or alphadigits to follow
    		if(*next != '-')
    			if(alphadigit(*next) != 0) // making sure only alpha or digit follows
    				error("Domain Labels can only contain Alphabets & Digits.");
    		next++; // skipping character just checked or '-' if not checked
    	next--; // goin back 
    	if(alphadigit(*next) != 0) // to make sure last character was an alphadigit and not a '-'
    		error("Domain Labels can only contain Alphabets & Digits."); // else error
    	next++; // returning next to position before decrement
    	leave("domainlabel"); // closing parse tree
    //<toplabel> ::= <alpha> | <alpha> *[ <alphadigit> | "-" ] <alphadigit>
    void toplabel(void)
    	enter("toplabel"); // starting parse tree
    	if(*next != 0) // making sure ATLEAST one alpha is found
    		alpha(*next); // checkin for alpha validity
    		error("	Top Label cannot be empty. "); // else error
    	next++; // skipping character just checked
    	while((*next != ':') && (*next != '/') && (*next != '\0')) // checking remaining characters
    		if(*next != '-') // same as in domain label
    			if(alphadigit(*next) != 0) // checking for alphadigit validity
    				error("Top Labels can only contain Alphabets & Digits."); // else error
    		next++; // skipping character just checked
    	next--; // decrementing
    	if(alphadigit(*next) != 0) // to check last character in domain label to make sure it is only alphadigit and not '-'
    		error("Top Labels can only contain Alphabets & Digits."); // else error
    	next++;	// returning "next" to its position before previous decrement
    	leave("toplabel"); // closing parse tree
    //<ftp-url> ::= "ftp://" <login> [ "/" <fpath> [ ";type=" <ftptype> ]]
    void ftpUrl(void)
    	enter("ftpUrl"); // starting parse tree
    	if(strncmp(url, "ftp://", 6) != 0) // checking for right "ftp://" syntax at beginning or "url"
    		error("Must start with \"ftp://\"."); // else error
    	next = url + 6; // skipping characters already checked
    	login(); // especting mandatory login function
    	if(*next == '/') // after login might expect '/'
    		next++; // then skip it
    		fpath(); // and enter expected fpath
    	if(*next != '\0') // else end of string expected
    		error("ftp Hostport can only be followed by a \'/\'."); // else error
    	if(*next == ';') // after login might expect ftptype
    		if(strncmp(next, ";type=", 6) != 0) // making sure of right syntax
    			error("ftp type must start with \";type=\"."); // else error
    		next += 6; // skip checked characters
    		ftptype(); // call expected ftptype 
    	if(*next != '\0') // should encounter end of string now
    		error("fpath may only be followed by a semi-colon (\";\")."); // else error
    	if(*next == '\0') // incase of clean url
    		leave("ftpUrl"); // closing parse tree
    //<fpath> ::= <fsegment> *[ "/" <fsegment> ]
    void fpath(void)
    	enter("fpath"); // starting parse tree
    	fsegment(); // fsegment expected
    	while(*next == '/') // taking care of 0 or more following fsegments
    		next++; // skipping '/'
    		fsegment(); // calling expected fsegment to be proccessed
    	leave("fpath"); // closing parse tree
    //<fsegment> ::= *[ <uchar> | "?" | ":" | "@" | "&" | "=" ]
    void fsegment(void)
    	enter("fsegment"); // starting parse tree
    	while((*next != '/') && (*next != ';') && (*next != '\0')) // making sure only current fsegment is checked
    		if((*next != '?') && (*next != ':') && (*next != '@') && (*next != '&') && (*next != '=')) // checking Validity
    			if(uchar() != 0) // likewise
    				error("fsegment contains Illegal Characters."); // else error
    		next++; // skipping character that has just been checked
    	leave("fsegment"); // closing parse tree
    //<ftptype> ::= "A" | "I" | "D" | "a" | "i" | "d"
    void ftptype(void)
    	enter("ftptype"); // starting parse tree
    	// Checking Validity
    	if((*next != 'A') && (*next != 'I') && (*next != 'D') && (*next != 'a') && (*next != 'i') && (*next != 'd')) 
    		error("Illegal ftp type (Allowed: a, A, i, I, d, D)."); // else error
    	leave("ftptype"); // closing parse tree
    //<login> ::= [ <user> [ ":" <password> ] "@" ] <hostport>
    void login(void)
    	enter("login"); // starting parse tree
    	if(strchr(next, '@') != NULL) // if @ is found in remaining string then user is expected
    		user(); // calling expected user
    		if(*next == ':') // after user id ':' is found then password is expected
    			next++; // skipping ':'
    			password(); // calling expected password
    		next++; // skipping '@'
    	hostport(); // calling mandatory hostport function
    	leave("login"); // closing parse tree
    //<user> = *[ <uchar> | ";" | "?" | "&" | "=" ]
    void user()
    	enter("user"); // starting user
    	while((*next != ':') && (*next != '@') && (*next != '\0')) // limiting checking to user only
    		if((*next != ';') || (*next != '?') || (*next != '&') || (*next != '=')) // checking Validity
    			if(uchar() != 0) // likewise
    				error("User contains Illegal Characters."); // else error
    		next++; // skipping character just checked
    	leave("user"); // closing parse tree
    //<password> = *[ <uchar> | ";" | "?" | "&" | "=" ]
    void password(void)
    	enter("password"); // starting parse tree
    	while((*next != '@') && (*next != '\0')) // limiting checking to password only
    		if((*next != ';') || (*next != '?') || (*next != '&') || (*next != '=')) // checking Validity
    			if(uchar() != 0) // likewise
    				error("Password contains Illegal Characters."); // else error
    		next++; // skipping character just checked
    	leave("password"); // closing parse tree
    //<uchar> ::= <unreserved> | <escape>
    int uchar(void)
    	enter("uchar"); // starting parse tree
    	if(*next == '%') // checking for escape character
    		if(escape() != 0) // checking escape character Validity
    			return 1; // if not Valid then return 1, false
    		if(unreserved(*next) != 0) // else check validity for unreserved character
    			return 1; // if not Valid then return 1, for false 
    	leave("uchar"); // closing parse tree
    	return 0; // if all goes well then return 0, for true
    //<unreserved> ::= <alpha> | <digit> | <safe> | <extra>
    int unreserved(char c)
    	enter("unreserved"); // starting parse tree
    	if(alpha(c) == 0 || digit(c) == 0 || safe(c) == 0 || extra(c) == 0) // checking validity
    		leave("unreserved"); // closing parse tree
    		return 0; // return 0, for true
    		return 1; // else return 1, for false
    //<reserved> ::= ";" | "/" | "?" | ":" | "@" | "&" | "="
    int reserved (char c)
    	enter("reserved"); // starting parse tree
    	if(c == ';' || c == '/' || c == '?' || c == ':' || c == '@' || c == '&' || c == '=') // checking valisity
    		leave("reserved"); // closing parse tree
    		return 0; // returning 0, for true
    		return 1; // else return 1, for false
    //<alphadigit> ::= <alpha> | <digit>
    int alphadigit(char c)
    	enter("alphadigit"); // starting parse tree
    	if((alpha(c) != 0) && (digit(c) != 0)) // checking validity
    		return 1; // return 1, for false if not a digt nor an alpha
    	{	// else if all goes well, then
    		leave("alphadigit"); // close parse tree
    		return 0; // and return 0. for true
    //<alpha> ::= <lowalpha> | <hialpha>
    int alpha(char c)	//0 true, 1 false
    	enter("alpha"); // starting parse tree
    	if(lowalpha(c) == 0 || hialpha(c) == 0) // checking Validity
    	{	// if all goes well
    		leave("alpha"); // closing parse tree
    		return 0; // return 0, for true
    		return 1; // else, return 1, for false
    int lowalpha(char c)
    	enter("lowalpha"); // starting parse tree
    	if((c >= 97) && (c <= 122)) // character should be between 'a' and 'z'
    	{	// if all goes well
    		leave("lowalpha");  // closing parse tree
    		return 0; // returning 0, for true
    		return 1; // else, reutrning 1, for false
    int hialpha(char c)
    	enter("hiaplha"); // starting parse tree
    	if((c >= 65) && (c <= 90)) // character should be between 'A' and 'Z'
    	{	// if all goes well
    		leave("hialpha"); // closing parse tree
    		return 0; // returning 0, for false
    		return 1; // else, returning 1, for false
    int digit(char c)
    	enter("digit"); // starting parse tree
    	if(isdigit(c)) // checking to see if character is digit
    	{	// if all's good
    		leave("digit"); // closing parse tree
    		return 0; // returning 0, if true
    		return 1; // else, returning 1, if false
    int digits(char *c)
    	enter("digits"); // starting parse tree
    	if(*c == '\0') // checking if c is empty
    		error("\tNo Digits Detected!!"); // if so, then giving error
    	while(*c != '\0') // while c still has characters
    		if(digit(*c) != 0) // check to see if they are digits
    			return 1; // return 1, for false
    		c++; // skip character already checked
    	leave("digits"); // closing parse tree if all's good
    	return 0; // return 0, for true
    int safe(char c)
    	enter("safe"); // starting parse tree
    	if(c == '$' || c == '-' || c == '_' || c == '.' || c == '+') // checking Validity
    	{	// if all's good
    		leave("safe"); // closing parse tree
    		return 0; // returning 0, for true
    		return 1; // else, returning 1, for false
    //<extra> ::= "!" | "*" | "'" | "(" | ")" | ","
    int extra(char c)
    	enter("extra"); // starting parse tree
    	if(c == '!' || c == '*' || c == '\'' || c == '(' || c == ')' || c == ',') // checking for Validity
    	{	// if all's good
    		leave("extra"); // closing parse tree
    		return 0; // returning 0, for true
    		return 1; // else, returning 1, for false
    //<escape> ::= "%" <hex> <hex>
    int escape()
    	enter("escape"); // starting parse tree
    	next++; // skipping '%'
    	if(hex() != 0) // checking for validity of next expected hex character
    		return 1; // return 1, for false
    	next++; // skip already checked hex character
    	if(hex() != 0) // check second hec character
    		return 1; // return 1, for false
    	leave("escape"); // if all's good then close parse tree
    	return 0; // and return 0, for true
    //<hex> ::= <digit> | "A" | "B" | "C" | "D" | "E" | "F" | "a" | "b" | "c" | "d" | "e" | "f"
    int hex(void)
    	enter("hex"); // starting parse tree
    	if(digit(*next) == 0 || (*next >= 'A' && *next <= 'F') || (*next >= 'a' && *next <= 'f')) // checking for Validity
    		leave("hex"); // if all's good then close parse tree
    		return 0; // and return 0, for true
    		return 1; // else return 1, for false
    // scans user input and saves it into url character array (string)
    void scan(void)
    	char *p = url; // pointer to the beginning og url array
    	char curr = getchar(); // read character from input
    	while(curr != '\r' &&  curr != '\n') // make sure no enter nor new line has been encountered
    		*p++ = tolower(curr); // change to lower case and insert into url and increment p
    		curr = getchar(); // get next character from input
    	*p = '\0'; // close the url string at where p is finally pointing to
    // error function, prints error, and exits processing
    void error(char *n)
    	// friendly user interface
    	printf("    INVALID URL:  %s", n);
    	level = 0; // reseting level for parse tree in case of error
    	fclose(fw); // close fw that was already opened
    	main(); // calling main again after error has been detected
    	level = 0; // reseting level for parse tree again
    	exit(1); // exiting program
    // parse tree function to emulate function start
    void enter(char *name)
       fprintf(fw, "+%c", *name); // incrementing level and printing enough '|'
       while(*name != '\0')
    	   fprintf(fw, "%c", *name);
       fprintf(fw, "\n");
    // parse tree function to emulate function end
    void leave(char *name)
      fprintf(fw, "-%c", *name);
       while(*name != '\0')
    	   fprintf(fw, "%c", *name);
       fprintf(fw, "\n");
    // parse tree fucntion that prints the '|'s
    void spaces(int local_level)
       while (local_level-- > 0)
    	fprintf(fw, "| ");

    I have error , whenever i click on .exe file nthg shows up..

    the grammar i implemented is this

    <http-url> ::= "http://" <hostport> [ "/" <hpath> [ "?" search ]]
    <hpath> ::= <hsegment> * [ "/" <hsegment> ]
    <hsegment> ::= *[ <uchar> | ";" | ":" | "@" | "&" | "=" ]
    <search> ::= *[ <uchar> | ";" | ":" | "@" | "&" | "=" ]
    <hostport> ::= <host> [ ":" <port> ]
    <host> ::= <hostname> | <hostnumber>
    <hostname> ::= 1*[ <domainlabel> "." ] <toplabel>
    <hostnumber> ::= <digits> "." <digits> "." <digits> "." <digits>
    <port> ::= <digits>
    <domainlabel> ::= <alphadigit> | <alphadigit> *[ <alphadigit > | "-" ] <alphadigit>
    <toplabel> ::= <alpha> | <alpha> *[ <alphadigit> | "-" ] <alphadigit>
    <alphadigit> ::= <alpha> | <digit>
    <ftp-url> ::= "ftp://" <login> [ "/" <fpath> [ ";type=" <ftptype> ]]
    <fpath> ::= <fsegment> *[ "/" <fsegment> ]
    <fsegment> ::= *[ <uchar> | "?" | ":" | "@" | "&" | "=" ]
    <ftptype> ::= "A" | "I" | "D" | "a" | "i" | "d"
    <login> ::= [ <user> [ ":" <password> ] "@" ] <hostport>
    <user> = *[ <uchar> | ";" | "?" | "&" | "=" ]
    <password> = *[ <uchar> | ";" | "?" | "&" | "=" ]
    <uchar> ::= <unreserved> | <escape>
    <unreserved> ::= <alpha> | <digit> | <safe> | <extra>
    <alpha> ::= <lowalpha> | <hialpha>
    <lowalpha> ::= "a" | "b" | "c" | "d" | "e" | "f" | "g" | "h" |
    "i" | "j" | "k" | "l" | "m" | "n" | "o" | "p" |
    "q" | "r" | "s" | "t" | "u" | "v" | "w" | "x" |
    "y" | "z"
    <hialpha> ::= "A" | "B" | "C" | "D" | "E" | "F" | "G" | "H" | "I" |
    "J" | "K" | "L" | "M" | "N" | "O" | "P" | "Q" | "R" |
    "S" | "T" | "U" | "V" | "W" | "X" | "Y" | "Z"
    <digit> ::= "0" | "1" | "2" | "3" | "4" | "5" | "6" | "7" |
    "8" | "9"
    <digits> ::= 1*[<digit>]
    <safe> ::= "$" | "-" | "_" | "." | "+"
    <extra> ::= "!" | "*" | "'" | "(" | ")" | ","
    <escape> ::= "%" <hex> <hex>
    <reserved> ::= ";" | "/" | "?" | ":" | "@" | "&" | "="
    <hex> ::= <digit> | "A" | "B" | "C" | "D" | "E" | "F" |
    "a" | "b" | "c" | "d" | "e" | "f"

  2. #2
    Registered User
    Join Date
    May 2008
    its now working, was cliking on the wrong .exe file..


  3. #3
    Kernel hacker
    Join Date
    Jul 2007
    Farncombe, Surrey, England
    Be honest: You didn't write that, right?

    The application as such works when I compile it with gcc - what errors are you getting?

    Compilers can produce warnings - make the compiler programmers happy: Use them!
    Please don't PM me for help - and no, I don't do help over instant messengers.

  4. #4
    Registered User
    Join Date
    May 2008
    well i ddint write it , i am still begginer in c..sorry

  5. #5
    Guest Sebastiani's Avatar
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    Waterloo, Texas
    >> I have error , whenever i click on .exe file nthg shows up..

    don't just dump a thousand lines of code in your posts. that's just plain ridiculous.
    #include <cmath>
    #include <complex>
    bool euler_flip(bool value)
        return std::pow
            std::complex<float>(0, 1) 
            * std::complex<float>(std::atan(1.0)
            *(1 << (value + 2)))
        ).real() < 0;

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