
I feel like this shouldn't be that hard, but I haven't been able to do it and I'm starting to go a bit crazy. I have a function that runs in a loop and gives 10 values. I want to put the values into an array. Everything's fine if I manually type all the values in, but I want to have the results automatically go into the array. Especially since this is going to lead to a much longer loop after I figure it out.

I was just trying to do it with a one dimensional array first, since I've been having so much trouble, but what I'm getting at is being able to have the function evaluated at a bunch of x's, paired up with the corresponding x in the array. (The loop is changing x and giving the values of the function at each x.) Then I want to access certain "f(x)'s".

I don't know if all that is relevant to the question, but what I really need is how to put the values from the loop I'm running directly into an array, and I'll take it again from there (if I can :S).
Thanks a lot to anyone who can help get me on the right track.

(I don't have a lot of experience. And I've also looked a lot online, but I think I might no be looking at the correct things or something, due to the aforementioned lack of experience... So any help is appreciated. Thanks again.)