Hi, everyone. I am extremely new to C programming however, I have been programming VB for a few years now. I am stumped why I cannot get my code to work. It is very basic but I do not understand why the while loop executes even when it is false. Can someone help? Thank you in advance.

#include <stdio.h> 
#include <ctype.h>

int main(void) 
//*****Declare Tax, Tax Rate and Purchase Amount variables as double to handle large floating point numbers*********************** 
double dSlsTaxD, dSlsTaxE, dSlsTaxL, dPurAmt, dSlsTaxRateD, dSlsTaxRateE, dSlsTaxRateL;
//*****Declare user input variable as Integer because choices are 1 or 2**********************************************************
int shouldContinue = 0; 
//*****Declare validation variable as Character string that will handle 256 characters************************************************** 
char garbage[256];

//*****Initialize the variables***** 
   dPurAmt =  0; 
   dSlsTaxD =  0; 
   dSlsTaxE =  0; 
   dSlsTaxL =  0;   
   dSlsTaxRateD = .0725; // Sales Tax Rate for Del Mar store 
   dSlsTaxRateE = .0750; // Sales Tax Rate for Encinitas store 
   dSlsTaxRateL = .0775; // Sales Tax Rate for La Jolla store 

	while((shouldContinue == 0));{
    	        printf("\n                     Please enter Purchase Amount: "); 
    		scanf("%lf", &dPurAmt); 

    		if(scanf("%lf", &dPurAmt) != 1)  {  
    			shouldContinue = 0;
    			printf("\nPlease enter a valid dollar amount without commas: ");
    			scanf("%lf", &dPurAmt); }
    		    	shouldContinue = 1;

//*****Calculate sales tax for individual stores***** 
   dSlsTaxD = dSlsTaxRateD * dPurAmt; 
   dSlsTaxE = dSlsTaxRateE * dPurAmt; 
   dSlsTaxL = dSlsTaxRateL * dPurAmt;   

//*****Print results of calculation to the monitor***** 
   printf("\n                     For the purchase amount of $%.2f\n", dPurAmt); 
   printf("\nThe Del Mar store's sales tax will be:   $%.2f", dSlsTaxD); 
   printf("\nThe Encinitas store's sales tax will be: $%.2f", dSlsTaxE); 
   printf("\nThe La Jolla store's sales tax will be:  $%.2f", dSlsTaxL); 
//*****Forces the DOS prompt window to stay open because it is waiting for a key to be pressed*****   
 //*****This line terminates the execution of the main function.***** 
   return 0; 