Thread: Algorithmic Mastermind Program

  1. #1
    Registered User
    Join Date
    Feb 2008

    Algorithmic Mastermind Program

    1. Provide user interface to select normal user game or automated play using a particular algorithm.
    2. Provide a user interface for the user to play the game or calculate game moves based on the selected algorithm.
    3. Display summary information at the end of a game session to help the user improve their game or select a different algorithm.

    Erm any ideas? my code is:

    #include <stdio.h>
    #include <stdlib.h>
    #include <string.h>
    #include <unistd.h>
    #include <netdb.h>
    #include <netinet/in.h>
    #include <sys/socket.h>
    #include <sys/types.h>
    /* Name of player must be equal to or less than 50 characters in length */
    #define MAX_NAME_LENGTH 50
    /* Integer values of colors when sending a code guess to the server */
    #define COLOR_EMPTY  0
    #define COLOR_RED    1
    #define COLOR_BLUE   2
    #define COLOR_YELLOW 3
    #define COLOR_GREEN  4
    #define COLOR_WHITE  5
    #define COLOR_ORANGE 6
    /* Possible return values from the send_code function */
    #define SEND_STATUS_SUCCESS             0
    #define SEND_STATUS_ERROR_HOST_DNS      5
    #define SEND_STATUS_ERROR_SEND          8
    #define SEND_STATUS_ERROR_RECEIVE       9
    /* Server information */
    #define GAME_SERVER_HOST     ""
    #define GAME_SERVER_PORT     80
    #define GAME_SERVER_COMMAND  "GET /Mastermind?A=%d&B=%d&C=%d&D=%d&E=%s HTTP/1.0\r\nHost: %s\r\n\r\n"
    #define GAME_SERVER_API      ":API:"
     user     :   Array of characters that contain the name of the player.
                 Must contain only alphanumeric characters.
                 Must be 50 or less characters in length.
     request  :   Array of 4 integers that contain the colors of the guess code.
                 The first array element is the leftmost peg of the row.
     response :   Array of 4 integers for storing the response from the server.
                 The first array element is the leftmost peg of the row.
     session  :   Address of an integer variable to toggle between 1 and 0 when a new game starts.
     The function returns an integer value that indicates success or type of error.
    // Sets up Storage Space
    int main(void)
    char user[50], x;
    char guess[4];
    char result[BUFSIZ];
    char ret[2];
    int request[4], response[4], session[1], again, again1, y, t[1], g, status;
    int quit = 1;
    printf("\nTo win the game you will need to enter 4 guesses in the correct order, from the following\n");
    printf("colours: Red, Blue, Yellow, Green, White and Orange. The colours appear in a \n");
    printf("random position. The code can contain the same colour more than once.\n");
    printf("To play, enter the initial of the colour you want to try.\n");
    printf("After your guesses, the program will tell you which colours are right\n");
    printf("and which ones are right and in the right position:\n");
    printf("[0] = Guess which is correct in both color and position\n"); 
    printf("[*] = Guess which is correct in color only\n");
    printf("[-] = Incorect guess\n");
    printf("\nTime To Play\n");
    printf("\nPress Q to Quit");
    printf("\n\nPlease enter a username: ");
    scanf("%s", user);
    {   if(user[0]=='q' || user[0]== 'Q') quit = 0;
    if (quit == 0)
       printf("\nThank you for playing mastermind");
    return 0; 
    else quit = 1;
    printf("\n\nWelcome to Mastermind\n");
    do{   for(g=0; g<4; g++) request[g]=0;
    again = 0; session[0]= t[0];
    printf("\nPress Q to Quit");
    printf("\nPlease enter a guess [Red= R, Blue= B, Yellow= Y, Green= G, White= W, Orange= O]...\n\nFirst Pin: ");   
    scanf("%s", &guess[0]);
    {   if(guess[0]=='q' || guess[0]== 'Q') quit = 0;
    if (quit == 0)
       printf("\nThank you for playing mastermind");
    return 0; 
    else quit = 1;
    printf("Second Pin: "); 
    scanf("%s", &guess[1]);
    {   if(guess[1]=='q' || guess[1]== 'Q') quit = 0;
    if (quit == 0)
    // Terminates the program if they do not wish to try again //
       printf("\nThank you for playing mastermind");
    return 0; 
    else quit = 1;
    printf("Third Pin: "); 
    scanf("%s", &guess[2]);
    {   if(guess[2]=='q' || guess[2]== 'Q') quit = 0;
    if (quit == 0)
       printf("\nThank you for playing mastermind");
    return 0; 
    else quit = 1;
    printf("Fourth Pin: "); 
    scanf("%s", &guess[3]);
    {   if(guess[3]=='q' || guess[3]== 'Q') quit = 0;
    if (quit == 0)
       printf("\nThank you for playing mastermind");
    return 0; 
    else quit = 1;
    for(g=0; g<4; g++){
    if(guess[g]=='r' || guess[g]== 'R') request[g]= COLOR_RED;
    if(guess[g]=='b' || guess[g]== 'B') request[g]= COLOR_BLUE; 
    if(guess[g]=='y' || guess[g]== 'Y') request[g]= COLOR_YELLOW; 
    if(guess[g]=='g' || guess[g]== 'G') request[g]= COLOR_GREEN; 
    if(guess[g]=='w' || guess[g]== 'W') request[g]= COLOR_WHITE; 
    if(guess[g]=='o' || guess[g]== 'O') request[g]= COLOR_ORANGE; 
    for(y=0; y<4; y++){
    if(request[y] == 0){
    printf("Invalid Entry!\nUse Only Colour Initials\n[Red= R, Blue= B, Yellow= Y, Green= G, White= W, Orange= O]\n"); again = 1; y=4;}
    }while(again == 1);
    status = send_code(user, request, response, &session);
    if(status != SEND_STATUS_SUCCESS) {
    return 0;
    printf("\n[0] = Guess which is correct in both color and position\n[*] = Guess which is correct in color only\n[-] = Incorect guess\n");
    printf("\nThe response to your guess is: ");
    if(response[0]==COLOR_EMPTY) printf("[-] [-] [-] [-]");
    else {
    for(g=0; g<4; g++){
    if(response[g]==COLOR_RED) strcpy(result, "[0]");
    if(response[g]==COLOR_WHITE) strcpy(result, "[*]");
    if(response[g]==COLOR_EMPTY) strcpy(result, "[-]");
    printf("%s ", result);
    if(response[3]== 1)
    printf("*                          *\n");
    printf("*     CONGRATULATIONS!     *\n");
    printf("*                          *\n");
    printf("*       YOU CRACKED        *\n");
    printf("*       THE CODE!!!        *\n");
    printf("*                          *\n");
    printf("A New Game Has Started!");}
    printf("\nContinue? [Y/N]: ");
    scanf("%s", &ret[0]);
    if(ret[0]=='y' || ret[0]=='Y'){ again=1; again1=0;}
    else{ if(ret[0]=='n' || ret[0]=='N') again1=0; 
    else{ printf("Please Type Y to Continue or N to Quit"); again1=1;}}
    }while(again1 == 1);
    }while(again == 1);     
       printf("\nThank you for playing mastermind");
    return 0; 
    int send_code( char* user, int* request, int* response, int* session )
    int sock_fail = -1;
    int cmd_success = sock_fail + 1;
    int cmd_fail = cmd_success + 1;
    char cmd[ 512 ] = { '\0' };
    int cmdsize = 512;
    char buffer[ 768 ] = { '\0' };
    int bufsize = 767;
    struct hostent *server_info = NULL;
    struct sockaddr_in server_addr;
    int sock_id, sock_stat, counter;
    char *api_data = NULL;
    if ( user == NULL ) return cmd_fail;
    if ( request == NULL ) return ( cmd_fail + 1 );
    if ( response == NULL ) return ( cmd_fail + 2 );
    if ( strlen( user ) > MAX_NAME_LENGTH ) return ( cmd_fail + 3 );
    for ( counter = 0; counter < strlen( user ); counter++ )
    if ( ! isalnum( user[ counter ] ) ) user[ counter ] = '_';
    server_info = gethostbyname( GAME_SERVER_HOST );
    if ( server_info == NULL ) return ( cmd_fail + 4 );
    sock_id = socket( AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0 );
    if ( sock_id == sock_fail ) return ( cmd_fail + 5 );
    memset( &server_addr, 0, sizeof( server_addr ) );
    server_addr.sin_family = AF_INET;
    server_addr.sin_port = htons( GAME_SERVER_PORT );
    server_addr.sin_addr = *(struct in_addr *) server_info->h_addr;
    sock_stat = connect( sock_id, (void *) &server_addr, sizeof( server_addr ) );
    if ( sock_stat == sock_fail )
    close( sock_id );
    return ( cmd_fail + 6 );
    snprintf( cmd, cmdsize, GAME_SERVER_COMMAND, request[0], request[1], request[2], request[3], user, GAME_SERVER_HOST );
    sock_stat = send( sock_id, (void*) cmd, strlen( cmd ), 0 );
    if ( sock_stat == sock_fail )
    close( sock_id );
    return ( cmd_fail + 7 );
    response[ 0 ] = response[ 1 ] = response[ 2 ] = response[ 3 ] = 0;
    while ( ( sock_stat != sock_fail ) && ( sock_stat != 0 ) )
    sock_stat = recv( sock_id, (void*) buffer, bufsize, 0 );
    buffer[ sock_stat ] = '\0';
    api_data = strstr( buffer, ":API:" );
    if ( api_data != NULL )
    if ( strlen( api_data ) >= 9 )
    for ( counter = 0; counter < 4; counter++ )
    sprintf( cmd, "%c", api_data[ counter + 5 ] );
    response[ counter ] = atoi( cmd );
    if ( session != NULL )
    sprintf( cmd, "%c", api_data[ counter + 5 ] );
    *session = atoi( cmd );
    close( sock_id );
    return cmd_success;
      close( sock_id );
      return ( cmd_fail + 8 );

  2. #2
    and the hat of int overfl Salem's Avatar
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    The edge of the known universe
    Perhaps you could learn to indent code somewhere along the line.
    That's just awful.
    If you dance barefoot on the broken glass of undefined behaviour, you've got to expect the occasional cut.
    If at first you don't succeed, try writing your phone number on the exam paper.

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