> Since C compilation will make the application fast . can C help me to accomplish my goal?
What's the difference between 10mS, 50mS and 100mS?
None at all if you're dealing with human perception.

Sure 'C' is fast, but it takes a hell of a long time to learn, and a hell of a long time to manually code every last detail.

99%+ of the code you're going to use will be in someone elses library, so you've only got direct control over a small part of the code anyway.
Open a database, read a record might be 10 lines of your C code, and 10000 lines of code in the database library. Writing those same lines in Perl might only be a couple of lines and be immeasureably slower as a result (the same 10K lines in the database library happen anyway).

Focus on getting something to work (at all) before worrying about how fast it is. Everyone else only worries about "fast enough" rather than "as fast as possible".

For what it's worth, I think PHP is worth a look.