So I'm a college student down in Texas and I'm crunching for time atm with finals coming up and programs due in a few days.

Anyways, my professor gave me this:

double sin( float value angle){
Compute the sine of “angle” using as many terms in the series as required till two successive approximations differ by no more than 0.00000001. Hint: see the example for computing square roots. The sine of a number may be found using the following series.
Sin( x ) = x – x3/3! + x5/5! – x7/7! + ●●●

To figure out the sin function for my program I need to figure out the algorithm to calc a sin.

We were also given this snipet of code to help us try to do this, but it is wiht square roots and is very little help to me if I can't figure out how to put the Sin(x)... into algorithm format.
Here is the code snipet.

/ #define EPSILON 0.000001 // Traditional constant definition.
const double EPSILON = 0.000001;

double sqrt( double n) {
double guess;
if (n >= 0.0) {  //verify legal input
		for (guess = n;
	    	       !( fabs(guess * guess – n) < EPSILON); 
	    	      guess = ( ( n + guess * guess) / (2.0 * guess) )
	          ) /* null body for loop */ ;

return (-1.0); //error flag
Thanks a lot, and if you need anymore details on this, I'd be glad to try to explain better.