Hello, i have to make a program that would print out numbers represented with characters like this:


+--+ +--+ + +--+
 !  !    ! !    !
 +--+ +--+ +    + 
 !  !    ! !    !
 +--+ +--+ +    !

srry i could get itto look any better, the first number is 8 and then 3 and so on...
So far i did this:

#include <stdio.h>

int main()
	char *deliStevilke[]={ // numbers representet with characters
		"+--+", // 0
			"+  +", // 1
			"!  !", // 2
			"   +", // 3
			"   !", // 4
			"!   ", // 5
			"+",	// 6
			"!",	// 7
	int stevilke[10][5]={ // numbers how they are to be printed on the screen
		{0,2,1,2,0}, // 0
		{6,7,6,7,6}, // 1
		{0,4,0,5,0}, // 2
		{0,4,0,4,0}, // 3
		{1,2,0,4,3}, // 4
		{0,5,0,4,0}, // 5
		{0,5,0,2,0}, // 6
		{0,4,3,4,3}, // 7
		{0,2,0,2,0}, // 8
		{0,2,0,4,0}, // 9
	int stevilo;
	scanf("%d", &stevilo);
	// print the number in character style
	printf("%s\n", deliStevilke[stevilke[stevilo][0]]);
	printf("%s\n", deliStevilke[stevilke[stevilo][1]]);
	printf("%s\n", deliStevilke[stevilke[stevilo][2]]);
	printf("%s\n", deliStevilke[stevilke[stevilo][3]]);
	printf("%s\n", deliStevilke[stevilke[stevilo][4]]);
	return 0;
I have no truble printing if you put in 1 number like 9. I dont know what to add so that i could print a number like 9999.

Could somebody give me some idea what to do?

Thank you.