I'd like to store a string of characters into a character array. This string is intended to be a file format identifier, and would eventually be written to a file. The catch is that in compliance with the file format's specification, this string should not be null-terminated. Here's three different ways I've tried doing it:

char format_id[4] = 'RIFF';
/* not sure if it's legal.  I get a "multi-character character constant" warning
 * and unintended results */

char format_id[4] = {'R', 'I', 'F', 'F'};
/* this works but is awkward to type and harder to read */

char format_id[4] = "RIFF";
/* works with no compiler complaints, but aren't I assigning a null-terminated string
 * to an array of a smaller size?  It's easy, but feels dirty.  Is this bad form? */
What do you guys do when you need to assign a character string that is not null-terminated?