I fixed all of my index pointer warnings a better way, and added 2 other methods that don't seem to be working correctly. I am having trouble deleting characters from a specified position and adding a character to a specified position. I am not sure what I am doing wrong.

Concatenate seems to work, but it crashes after I try to output the concatenated word. It is able to tell me what my concatenated word is, but immediately crashes after.

I bolded the methods that do not work correctly

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>			// needed for malloc, free

struct node {				// a node in the linked list
	char data;
	struct node *next;

int menu(void);					// display list of choices, get user's choice
struct node *addString(struct node *, const char *, int *, struct node *[]); // Add a string (char array) to the list
void output(struct node *f, int *, struct node *[]); // Output a string based on a users selected index
void stringLength(struct node *f, int *, struct node *[]); // Output the length of a string based on a users selected index
struct node *concatenate(struct node *f, int *, int *, int *,  struct node *[]); // concatenate 2 strings together
struct node *insertChar(struct node *, int *, char *, int *,  struct node *[]); // Insert a character at a given position of a string
struct node *del(struct node *, int *, int *,  struct node *[]);	// Delete a character at a given position of a string	
struct node *destroy(struct node *, int *, struct node *[]); // deallocate a user specified list
struct node *destroyAll(struct node *, struct node *[]); // deallocate all lists

int main(void)
	struct node *front;		// front points to the front of our list
	struct node *linkedListStrings[5] = {NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL}; //an array of 5 struct node pointers 
	int optionsResponse;	// User input for main menu options
	int index = 0;				// Index of the first or only string used
	int index2;				// Index of the second string used
	int index3;				// Index of the third string used (concatination)
	int position;			// The posiiton in the string to insert characters
	char insertedCharacter;	// The users input character to be inserted into the linked list
	char response[20];	// user input for sub menu options
	int i;
	front = NULL;			// initialize list to NULL
	do				// display menu, do command, quit when user inputs choice 8
		optionsResponse = menu();
			case 1 :  // Adding a new string
	printf("&#37;d\t%p\n", i, linkedListStrings[i]);
					printf ("Enter a new string:  ");	
					scanf("%s", response);
					printf ("Enter a node to place it in [0-4]: ");
					scanf("%d", &index);
					addString(front, response, &index, linkedListStrings);
	printf("%d\t%p\n", i, linkedListStrings[i]);
			case 2 : 
				printf("%d\t%p\n", i, linkedListStrings[i]);
				// printing a string from a selected index
					printf ("Enter the index of the string that you would like to output [0-4]:  ");
					scanf("%d", &index);
					output(front, &index, linkedListStrings);
					printf("%d\t%p\n", i, linkedListStrings[i]);
			case 3 : 
				printf("%d\t%p\n", i, linkedListStrings[i]);
				// printing the length of a string from a selected index
					printf ("Enter the index of the string [0-4]:  ");
					scanf("%d", &index);
					stringLength(front, &index, linkedListStrings);
					printf("%d\t%p\n", i, linkedListStrings[i]);
			case 4 : for(i=0;i<5;i++)
				printf("%d\t%p\n", i, linkedListStrings[i]);
				// concatenating two strings together and selecting an index to place the new string
					printf ("Enter the index of the first string [0-4]:  ");	
					scanf("%d", &index);
					printf ("Enter the index of the second string [0-4]:  ");	
					scanf("%d", &index2);
					printf ("Enter an index to place the concatenated string [0-4]:  ");	 
					scanf("%d", &index3);
					concatenate(front, &index, &index2, &index3, linkedListStrings);
					printf("%d\t%p\n", i, linkedListStrings[i]);
			case 5 : for(i=0;i<5;i++)
				printf("%d\t%p\n", i, linkedListStrings[i]);
				// Inserting a character into a position of specifed string
					printf ("Enter the index of the string [0-4]:  ");	
					scanf("%d", &index);
					printf ("Enter a character to be inserted into the string:  ");	
					scanf("%c", &insertedCharacter);
					printf ("\nEnter the position in the string at \nwhich you would like to insert a character:  ");
					scanf("%d", &position);
					insertChar(front, &index, &insertedCharacter, &position, linkedListStrings);
					printf("%d\t%p\n", i, linkedListStrings[i]);
			case 6 : for(i=0;i<5;i++)
				printf("%d\t%p\n", i, linkedListStrings[i]);
				// Deleting a character from a specified position
					printf ("Enter the index of the string [0-4]:  ");	
					scanf("%d", &index);
					printf ("Enter the position in the string corresponding \nto the character you would like to delete:  ");	
					scanf("%d", &position);
					del(front, &index, &position, linkedListStrings);
					printf("%d\t%p\n", i, linkedListStrings[i]);
			case 7 :  for(i=0;i<5;i++)
				printf("%d\t%p\n", i, linkedListStrings[i]);
				// destroying/deleting a string
					printf ("Enter the index of the string to be destroyed [0-4]:  ");	
					scanf("%d", &index);
					destroy(front, &index, linkedListStrings);
					printf("%d\t%p\n", i, linkedListStrings[i]);
			case 8 :  for(i=0;i<5;i++)
				printf("%d\t%p\n", i, linkedListStrings[i]);
				// destroying/deleting a string
					destroyAll(front, linkedListStrings);
					printf("%d\t%p\n", i, linkedListStrings[i]);
	} while(optionsResponse != 9); 
	destroyAll(front, linkedListStrings);

int menu(void)	// display menu and get user's choice
	int temp;
	printf("Please select from one of the following String menu options: \n\n");
	printf("1.\tCreate a new string\n");
	printf("2.\tOutput a string\n");
	printf("3.\tOutput the length of a string\n");
	printf("4.\tConcatenate two strings together\n");
	printf("5.\tInsert a character at a given position of a string\n");
	printf("6.\tDelete a character at a given position of a string\n");
	printf("7.\tDestroy a string\n");
	printf("8.\tDestroy all strings\n");
	printf("I choose option number: ");
	scanf("%d", &temp);
	return temp;

struct node *addString(struct node *f, const char *response, int *index, struct node *linkedListStrings[])// Add a string (char array) to the list
	int i = 0; // i will act as a counter to print values from the array
	// create a new node, store response as the datum
	struct node *temp = (struct node *)malloc(sizeof(struct node)); 
	struct node *front = f; // front points to the front of our list
	int indexValue;
	indexValue = *index;


	if (linkedListStrings[*index] != NULL) // Tests to make sure a node was not already created at the index specified
		printf("Error - A string already exists at location %d", indexValue);
		/*	While the character in the char array is not '\0' iterate through
			the array and add each value to the node */
		f = linkedListStrings[*index];
		while(response[i] != '\0') 
			if(f == NULL) // if f is NULL store the value in the first node
				front = f = (struct node *)malloc(sizeof(struct node));
				f->data = response[i++];
				f->next = NULL;
			else if(f->next == NULL) // If f is not null, find the next NULL node and store data to it
				temp = (struct node *)malloc(sizeof(struct node));
				temp->data = response[i++];
				temp->next = NULL;
				f->next = temp;
			else // If f is not null and the next node in the list is not null, move to the next node
				f = f->next;
			linkedListStrings[indexValue] = front; // front of the list as it has not been modified
		return *linkedListStrings; 

void output(struct node *f, int *index, struct node *linkedListStrings[]) // Output a string based on a users selected index
	struct node *front = f;  // front points to the front of our list
	int indexValue;

	indexValue = *index;

	f = linkedListStrings[*index];

	if (f == NULL) // Error checking to prevent the user from selecting a NULL index
		printf("A string has not been created for index %d\n", indexValue);
		printf("String at index %d is: ", *index);
		while(f != NULL) // iterate through the list, printing each node's datum
			printf("%c", f->data);
			f = f->next;


struct node *concatenate(struct node *f, int *index, int *index2, int *index3, struct node *linkedListStrings[])  // concatenate 2 strings together
	struct node *front = f; // front points to the front of our list
	struct node *node1; // points to linkedListStrings[*index]
	struct node *node2; // points to linkedListStrings[index2]
	struct node *node3; // points to linkedListStrings[index3]
	struct node *temp;  // temporary value holder
	struct node *frontNode3; // Points to the front of node3 (linkedListStrings[index3])
	int indexValue, index2Value, index3Value;

	indexValue = *index;
	index2Value = *index2;
	index3Value = *index3;

	f = node1 = linkedListStrings[indexValue];
	node2 = linkedListStrings[index2Value];
	//frontNode3 = node3 = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
	frontNode3 = node3 = (struct node *)malloc(sizeof(struct node)); // ADDED

	if(linkedListStrings[indexValue] != NULL) // Make sure that the first user specified linked list is not empty
		if (linkedListStrings[index2Value] != NULL)// Make sure that the second user specified linked list is not empty
			if (linkedListStrings[index3Value] == NULL) // Make sure that the location to place the concatenated strings is empty
				while(f != NULL) // Add linkedListStrings[*index] to the user specified location
					node3->data = f->data;
					//temp = malloc(sizeof(struct node)); 
					temp = (struct node *)malloc(sizeof(struct node)); // ADDED
					node3->next = temp;
					f = f->next;
					node3 = node3->next;

				f = node2;
				while(f != NULL) // Add linkedListStrings[index2] at the end of linkedListStrings[*index] of the user specified location
					node3->data = f->data;
					//temp = malloc(sizeof(struct node)); 
					temp = (struct node *)malloc(sizeof(struct node)); // ADDED
					f = f->next;
					if(f != NULL)
						node3->next = temp;
						node3 = node3->next;
					linkedListStrings[index3Value] = frontNode3; // front of the list 3 as it has not been modified
			else // Error - linkedListStrings[index3] != NULL
				printf("A string already exists at index %d \n", index3Value);	
		else // Error - linkedListStrings[index2] = NULL
			printf("A string has not been created for index %d\n", index2Value);
	else // Error - linkedListStrings[*index] = NULL
		printf("A string has not been created for index %d\n", indexValue);
	return *linkedListStrings;

struct node *insertChar(struct node *f, int *index, char *insertedCharacter, int *position, struct node *linkedListStrings[]) // Insert a character at a given position of a string
	struct node *front = f; // front points to the front of our list
	struct node *temp;
	int iter; // Used to iterate through the linked lists nodes
	int indexValue;

	indexValue = *index;
	f = linkedListStrings[*index];

	if(linkedListStrings[*index] != NULL)
		/*	Iterate from 1 position from the specified position where
			we insert the new character	*/
		for(iter = *position-1; iter > 0; iter--) 
			if(f != NULL) // Go to the next node while f is not null
				f = f->next;
			else // Error checking
				printf("Location does not exist!\n");
				iter = 0;
		if(f != NULL)
			temp = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
			temp->data = *insertedCharacter;

			if(position > 0) // place the new character at its user specified position
				temp->next = f->next;
				f->next = temp;
			else // If position is 0, place the new character at the beginning of the list
				front = temp;
				temp->next = f;  
			linkedListStrings[indexValue] = front; // front of the list as it has not been modified
	else // error checking - If the index the user specified was NULL
		printf("A string has not been created for location %d\n", indexValue);
	return *linkedListStrings;

struct node *del(struct node *f, int *index, int *position, struct node *linkedListStrings[]) // Delete a character at a given position of a string	
	struct node *front = f; // front points to the front of our list
	struct node *temp;
	int iter; // Used to iterate through the linked lists nodes
	int indexValue;

	indexValue = *index;

	f = linkedListStrings[indexValue];

	if(linkedListStrings[indexValue] != NULL)
		/*	Iterate from 1 position from the specified position where
			we delete the character	*/
		for(iter = *position-1; iter > 0; iter--)
			if(f != NULL)
				f = f->next; // Go to the next node while f is not null
			else // Error checking
				printf("Error - No such position.");
				iter = 0;

		if(f != NULL)
			if(position > 0) // delete the character at its user specified position
				temp = f->next;
				f->next = temp->next;
			else // if position was 0, destroy the string
				front = f->next;
			linkedListStrings[indexValue] = front; // front of the list as it has not been modified
	else // Error checking - if(linkedListStrings[*index] = NULL), cannot delete anything
		printf("A string has not been created for index %d\n", indexValue);

	return *linkedListStrings;