I'm trying to create a golf handicap management system that takes up to 100 rounds and their statistical info and relays it to one structure of a member....which holds their name, handicap, average putts, etc....

So, the dilemma is, structure for the user, and an array of 100 structures holding round by round information within the user's structure. I'm getting about 100 errors in my compiler and wonder if I'm off on the wrong foot completely.

Please let me know of any ideas you might have. I want to do this without linked lists if possible, as my instructor would prefer I do it this way for some reason. Here's the code........ (HELP!!)


FILE *out;

struct golfer1
	char name[40];
	double handicap;
	int totRounds;
	char homeClub[40];
	double avgPutts;
	double avgFwys;
	double avgGreens;
	double sandSaves;
	int sandRounds;
	struct round[100];

//struct golfer2
//	char name[]= 'Dan Thomson';
//	double handicap = 0;
//	int totRounds = 0;
//	char homeClub[]= 'Pitt Meadows GOlf Club';
//	double avgPutts = 0;
//	double avgFwys = 0;
//	double avgGreens = 0;
//	double sandSaves = 0;
//	int sandRounds = 0;
//	struct round[100];
//struct golfer3
//	char name[]= 'Terry Salchenberger';
//	double handicap = 0;
//	int totRounds = 0;
//	char homeClub[]= 'Pitt Meadows Golf Club';
//	double avgPutts = 0;
//	double avgFwys = 0;
//	double avgGreens = 0;
//	double sandSaves = 0;
//	int sandRounds = 0;
//	struct round[100];
//struct golfer4
//	char name[]= 'Dustin Vernon';
//	double handicap = 0;
//	int totRounds = 0;
//	char homeClub[] = 'Pitt Meadows Golf Club';
//	double avgPutts = 0;
//	double avgFwys = 0;
//	double avgGreens = 0;
//	double sandSaves = 0;
//	int sandRounds = 0;
//	struct round[100];
//struct golfer5
//	char name[]= 'Jesse Kurucz';
//	double handicap = 0;
//	int totRounds = 0;
//	char homeClub[]= 'Pitt Meadows Golf Club';
//	double avgPutts = 0;
//	double avgFwys = 0;
//	double avgGreens = 0;
//	double sandSaves = 0;
//	int sandRounds = 0;
//	struct round[100];

struct round
	char club[40];
	double slope;
	int par;
	int score;
	int putts;
	int fwyHit;
	int grnHit;
	int sandSave;
	int numThrees;
	int sandAttmpt;
	double roundHcp;

void main()
	int choice;
	int choice1;
	int choice2;
	char choice3;
	char club[40];
	struct golfer1 golfer1;
	/*struct golfer2 golfer2;
	struct golfer3 golfer3;
	struct golfer4 golfer4;
	struct golfer5 golfer5;*/
	struct round round;
	int i;
	int a;

	golfer1.name = "Andrew Holtz";
	golfer1.avgFwys = 0;
	golfer1.avgGreens = 0;
	golfer1.avgPutts = 0;
	golfer1.handicap = 0;
	golfer1.homeClub = "Pitt Meadows Golf Club";
	golfer1.sandRounds = 0;
	golfer1.sandSaves = 0;
	golfer1.totRounds = 0;
	printf("\n[1] AndrewH");
	printf("\n[2] DanT");
	printf("\n[3] TerryS");
	printf("\n[4] DustinV");
	printf("\n[5] JesseK");

	printf("\nPlease choose you name/profile from the list: ");
	scanf("%d", &choice);

		case 1:
			a = golfer1;

		case 2:
			a = golfer2;

		case 3:
			a = golfer3;

		case 4:
			a = golfer4;

		case 5:
			a = golfer5;



	printf("\n%s", golfer1.name);
	printf("\nHomeClub: %s", golfer1.homeClub);
	printf("\nHandicap: %lf", golfer1.handicap);
	printf("\nRounds Played: %d", golfer1.totRounds);
	printf("\nAverage Putts: %d", golfer1.avgPutts);
	printf("\nAverage Fairways: %d", golfer1.avgFwys);
	printf("\nAverage Greens: %d", golfer1.avgGreens);
	printf("\nPercentage Sand Saves: %d", golfer1.sandSaves);

	printf("\nTo view a menu press [M], to exit press [E]");
		scanf("%c", &choice1);
	if(choice1 == 'm' || choice1 == 'M')
		printf("\n[1] Enter a score");
		printf("\n[2] View last 10 rounds");
		printf("\n[3] Print out the last 10 scores");

		printf("\nPlease make a choice from the list: ");
		scanf("%d", &choice2);
	if (choice2 == 1 || choice2 == 1)
		i = (golfer1.totRounds)-1;
		printf("Please enter the name of the golf club: ");

		printf("\nPlease enter the slope of the course: ");
		scanf("%lf", &(golfer1.(round[i]).slope) );

		printf("\nPlease enter the par of the course: ");
		scanf("%d", &(golfer1.(round[i]).par));

		printf("\nPlease enter the number of par 3's the course has: ");
		scanf("%d", &(golfer1.(round[i]).numThrees));

		printf("\nPlease enter the number of putts you had: ");
		scanf("%d", &(golfer1.(round[i]).putts));

		printf("\nPlease enter the number of fairways that you hit: ");
		scanf("%d", &(golfer1.(round[i]).fwyHit));

		printf("\nPlease enter the number of greens that you hit: ");
		scanf("%d", &(golfer1.(round[i]).grnHit));

		printf("\nDid you have any sand saves today?(Y/N) ");
			scanf("%c", &choice3);

		if (choice3 == 'y' || choice3 == 'Y')
			printf("\nPlease enter the sand saves you had: ");
			scanf("%d", &(golfer1.(round[i]).sandSave));

			printf("\nPlease enter the number of sand traps you were in: ");
			scanf("%d" , &(golfer1.(round[i]).sandAttmpt));


		golfer1.(round[i]).roundHcp = (golfer1.(round[i]).score - golfer1.(round[i]).slope);
		golfer1.handicap += (golfer1.(round[i]).roundHcp/golfer1.(round[i]).totRounds);
		golfer1.avgPutts += (golfer1.(round[i]).putts/golfer1.(round[i]).totRounds);
		golfer1.avgFwys += ((golfer1.(round[i]).fwyHit/(18-golfer1.(round[i]).numThrees))/golfer1.(round[i]).totRounds);
		golfer1.avgGreens += ((golfer1.(round[i]).grnHit/18)/golfer1.(round[i]).totRounds);
		golfer1.sandSaves += ((golfer1.(round[i]).sandSave/golfer1.(round[i]).sandAttmpt)/golfer1.(round[i]).sandRounds);

	else if(choice2 == 2)
		i = golfer1.totRounds;

			printf("\n %s",golfer1.round[i-9].club);
			printf("\n %lf",golfer1.round[i-9].slope);
			printf("\n %d",golfer1.round[i-9].par);
			printf("\n %d",golfer1.round[i-9].score);
			printf("\n %d",golfer1.round[i-9].putts);
			printf("\n %d",golfer1.(round[i-9]).fwyHit);
			printf("\n %d",golfer1.(round[i-9]).grnHit);
			printf("\n %d",golfer1.round[i-9].sandSave);
			printf("\n %d",golfer1.round[i-9].sandAttmpt);

	i = golfer1.totRounds;

	else if(choice2 == 3)
		i = golfer1.totRounds;
		out = fopen("last10.txt", "w");

			fprintf(out, "\n %s",golfer1.round[i-9].club);
			fprintf(out, "\n %lf",golfer1.round[i-9].slope);
			fprintf(out, "\n %d",golfer1.round[i-9].par);
			fprintf(out, "\n %d",golfer1.round[i-9].score);
			fprintf(out, "\n %d",golfer1.round[i-9].putts);
			fprintf(out, "\n %d",golfer1.round[i-9].fwyHit);
			fprintf(out, "\n %d",golfer1.round[i-9].grnHit);
			fprintf(out, "\n %d",golfer1.round[i-9].sandSave);
			fprintf(out, "\n %d",golfer1.round[i-9].sandAttmpt);

Thanks in advance everyone