Hello to all.

I am unable to collect data from my input files. The format of the input files is standardized.

the format is something like this:

>blah blah blah

I need to be able to take the info after the ">" and store in a structure called
loadedSequences.name and then take the characters after that and store in
a structure named loadedSequences.data.

I am able to deal with input files and get the first part but unable to collect the second part.

Here is the relevant code:

if( (strcmp ( command, "read" )) == 0 )
                        filename = strtok(NULL, " \t\n" ) ; // collect filename                       
                        if( filename ) 
                                input = fopen(filename, "r") ;
                                if ( !input )
                                        continue ;
                        fgets( header_data, 1000, input) ; 
                        seqName = &header_data[1] ;   // After the > in FASTA format  
                        loadedSequences[nSequences].name = 
                            (char *) malloc( ( strlen(seqName) + 1 ) * sizeof( char ) ) ;
                        strcpy( loadedSequences[nSequences].name , seqName ) ;
                        // Collect the sequence from FASTA file
                        loadedSequences[nSequences].data[n++] = 0 ;
                         while (c = getc(input) != EOF)
                                        if(c >= 'A' && c <= 'Z')
                                                loadedSequences[nSequences].data[n++] = c ;
                        loadedSequences[nSequences].length = strlen((loadedSequences[nSequences].data)) ;
                        fclose(input) ;
                        ++nSequences ;
Any help would be great.