The goal is to create even greater applications then we have today. Therefore we need more easy programming languages. Logical, if it`s more easy and it needs less time to program we can create better programs.

For example I looked into ruby. It`s really great. Very easy to learn and foreign code is easy to understand some somewhat "logical". But it`s to slow and not possible to create "professional" big apps, for example I doub`t Firefox could be programmed in it with reasonable speed.

C is MUCH harder (I hope no one argues which this opinion?), but it`s fast.

Why not get all advantages together?

The only thing we would need is a ruby to machine (not byte) code compiler. Will we get such a thing at some time? Or would it be really impossible to create such a compiler? Or do we need to wait until computers are so fast so the speed of the programming language does no longer matter?