Thread: Things you would like to see in the FAQ

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  1. #1

    Things you would like to see in the FAQ

    I'm compiling a list of things that people would like to see put in the FAQ. I have literally zero time available right now (I shouldnt even be here typing this) but some people have approached me with this and i agree. The FAQ needs updating and i think people would like to see some more stuff in it.

    So heres your chance. What would you like to see? I'll be compiling a list and when i think its complete i'll be posting again looking for people who would be willing to actually write the stuff.

    So, let the posting begin!
    "There's always another way"
    -lightatdawn (

  2. #2
    Mayor of Awesometown Govtcheez's Avatar
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    I'd say pretty much everything on the FAQ board that's not already in the (ahem) board FAQ...

    I can compile the ones there, if you don't have enough time.

  3. #3
    Mayor of Awesometown Govtcheez's Avatar
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    'Nother thing.... I always see lotsa people with questions about sorting (and similarly, people with ?'s about how to find the max value in a given data set)...

  4. #4
    _B-L-U-E_ Betazep's Avatar
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    File I/O File I/O File I/O File I/O File I/O File I/O File I/O File I/O File I/O File I/O

    oh and

    File I/O

  5. #5
    Registered User minime6696's Avatar
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    Lightbulb Hey!

    I have allready stated my ideas and request to write mateirials in my talking 2 u about makking this post, so I have nothing more to say.


  6. #6
    I'm going to let this thread sit here for a while until it accumulates a bunch of ideas. Then in a couple days i'll get back to everyone who offers and help and i'll try to find people who can do the rest. I'm sorry but i cant do anything right now as i'm really busy. I'll check back ASAP though and sort it all out. Keep the ideas coming. Thanks guys.
    "There's always another way"
    -lightatdawn (

  7. #7
    Still A Registered User DISGUISED's Avatar
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    I would like to see more commonly used methods. Like others have said, File I/O, sorting arrays etc. Maybe some information about compiler differences or use of compilers in general, specifcally like debugging and general info like that.

    I would also like to see more being done with the FAQ board.
    Last edited by DISGUISED; 01-31-2002 at 10:23 PM.

  8. #8
    We should extended the tutorial list

    1. Nehe's opengl tutorials
    2. Something on algero
    3. maybe SDL

  9. #9
    Registered User breed's Avatar
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    How about expanding the ways that people use structures & unions,
    Iv'e notice that the tutorials and books breeze across the subject

    i.e differing way to access, assign & manipulate members within unions & structures.
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  10. #10
    Registered User minime6696's Avatar
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    Lightbulb We should have a poll...

    If there will be a new faq... I think people should vote on "candidates" to be in charge of it. Whoever gets elected is the new "FAQ Master" or w/e. I for one would like to be nominated, since I think everyhting i've seen so far is great ideas!


  11. #11

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