>I don't understand ya'll comments about GWB... tell me what he's done so wrong so far... I'm curious to find out.

Well... nothing, really. I'm not a big fan of plans to drill on preserves or export Great Lakes water (that, we've convered before). I didn't vote for him, and neither did most people, but he got elected through a system that's in serious need of reform. The electoral college system's a waste, and a totally ludicrous way to elect anyone. Flame me if you will, that's just my opinion.

However, I think the way he's handled everything in Afghanistan's just peachy, and I really support him there.

I think the reason he's getting picked on is that he's the President, and that's what people do to Presidents. All the accusations flung at Clinton about being in the pockets of big money kinda seem ironic with this whole Enron thing, huh?

Oh - just realized smth... Tim - if you're just a HS sophomore, you couldn't vote in the last election, and the majority of laws don't really apply to you... Honestly, sorry, but who really cares what you think about government? Sorry - it's the truth.