lol @ you guys taking sides with corporations
Yes, I'm siding with a corporation. Especially one that takes
risks and encourages innovation. Honestly, I think that's a
pretty good reason to side with a corporation. Technology
is so complex nowadays, that corporations are the only ones
who really have the means to make it progress. I'm sure even
the smallest technological advances are the result of millions
and millions of dollars in R&D.

So, yes, I do have a problem with Microsoft and Sony. Reach
into your bag of tired ol' internet cliches and call it fanboyism
or whatever the hell you want. But both companies lack even
the slightest amount of creativity, originality or even insight.
Consumers expect that every generation will simply be a
graphical improvement. And Sony and MS did nothing but try
to meet those expectations. While Nintendo went a completely
different route: retaining the graphics of the previous generation,
but focusing more on immersive controls.

Neither MS or Sony seem to take chances. Or at least not
chances big enough for anyone to notice. That's not good for
anybody. It just stifles the market. Even something as trivial
as coming up with new names for their consoles was too much
of a risk for them. While Nintendo, who actually believed in
their product, chose what was probably the most criticized
product name in video game history. The Wii. It still sounds

With the exception of some minor added functionality, Sony
hasn't changed their controller in 12 years. And some of that
added functionality, namely the Sixaxis control, was obviously
inspired by Nintendo. And I'm willing to bet that the next
generation will see both Sony and Microsoft focusing more on
motion sensing controls.

Nintendo takes chances and shapes the market. They do
deserve respect for that. Whereas MS and Sony don't - and
honestly, shouldn't be respected. From the first console
analog stick of the N64 to the DS and Wii. They create more
unique experiences..

lol. I don't even play video games, really.